All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Y6 visit to the Aviation Academy

Yesterday, the Year Six children travelled to the Aviation Academy in Norwich to take part in a series of workshops focusing on STEM activities (science, technology, engineering and maths)!
We learned about the four main forces that act on an aircraft and how it stays in the air; we used coding to direct a robot buggy around an extremely complicated maze; we designed and constructed satellite towers; built shelter structures using only paper as a building material and met a whole host of inspiring and interesting people who use science, technology, engineering and maths everyday as part of their profession.
During the day the children had to work collaboratively in a number of different teams and work under pressure against the clock. Mrs Cockburn, Mr Bushby and I were delighted at the way teams worked together. They all displayed good communication skills and really supported each other. Many of the staff at the academy spoke to us about how impressed they were with the children’s attitude, determination and team spirit. We are exceptionally proud of all of them. Well done Year Six!