All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 Class Page!

Year 1 learn together in a play based environment that provides the perfect stepping stone from Reception. We have a lovely classroom that is well resourced and offers a safe, exciting and inspiring learning environment. Our classroom is arranged to encourage the children to access resources, working walls and sound mats independently to scaffold and support their own learning. The children learn in a supportive but challenging environment enabling them to work both collaboratively and independently. We encourage Year 1 to learn from their mistakes and develop the skills to persevere even when finding a topic challenging. In Year 1 we encourage the children to use the skills and knowledge acquired from teaching inputs and apply these independently to learning tasks to begin to take responsibility for their own learning.

We love reading and read every chance we get; the classroom reflects this with a variety of books linked to each term’s topic. We are creative thinkers, confident speakers, compassionate friends and imaginative problem solvers!

Please find the attached letters and curriculum map to find out what we are learning about at the moment.

To find out more about Year 1 Class and what we have been getting up to please take a look below:

Miss Flower, Mrs Hobbs, Mrs Lockwood

Curriculum Newsletters Autumn 2024

September 9, 2024

Year 1 Summer Curriculum map 2024

April 26, 2024

Year 1 Spring Curriculum map 2024

January 15, 2024

Year 1 PE 

October 17, 2023

During PE this term the children have been working on their gross motor skills and different ways they can move around a space. We have practised hopping, 2 footed jumping, side steps, marching, skipping and so many more. The children have loved getting creative with their movement and finding different ways to move. We have … Read more

Welly Day in Autumn  

October 17, 2023

Year 1 have loved our Welly Day sessions. The sessions have been based around the children’s interests and requests. At the start of the term, Year 1 noticed many blackberries, apples and pears growing around the school site so we decided to make a delicious crumble. The children helped pick the blackberries and then they … Read more

Year 1 are Artists 

October 17, 2023

This term our focus in art is spiral and continuous line drawings. We have thought about which parts of our body we use to draw and whether we can change what we draw if we just move our fingers or if we can move our whole arm.  The children have absolutely loved having their own … Read more

Settling into life in Year 1

October 17, 2023

The children have made a fantastic start to life in Year 1. They have loved exploring the new classroom and adapting well to new routines.  The children have enjoyed the slow transition from Reception and have loved the chance to explore their own interests during COOL (choose our own learning) time.  The creative area, book … Read more

Welcome to Year 1

October 17, 2023

A mathermatical and artistic morning in the life of Year 1!

May 5, 2023

The year ones worked hard on Thursday morning and had to exercise their creative and mathematical brains! In maths the children are learning about position and language. They had to be very precise in their instructions when playing human table football. The aim was to direct their friends to the football and score a goal … Read more

New Gallery Opening Soon – artists needed!

April 4, 2023

Our school is excited to be opening a new gallery in the entrance hall and is looking for work from up and coming artists! The new gallery will be showing work chosen, or created, by the children in our school. The only catch is that the gallery is very very small – in fact it … Read more