All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Reading in Year 6

Year 6 have settled back with enthusiasm and energy. They were clearly pleased to get back to see their friends and be the oldest in the school. This week we have had lots of discussion about the last five months – the things they lost and gained and their feelings through that time. They were open and mature and I gave them freedom to talk and share. 

Our new reading corner is full of recent modern fiction as well as classics, non fiction and back copies of annuals read and reread by my children now recycled for my class to enjoy. There are books promoted with a photo of the author and a synopsis of the story.  Like last year, I expect the children to have a book they are reading in school every day as we have daily quiet reading time. They can choose a book from the class reading corner, the school library or they can bring a book from home. The website Lovereading4kids has a wealth of information on the latest publications with summaries of each story and an extract to read. Get lost in a book… new worlds…..Feed that mind.