All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Home learning packs in Reception

I have provided you with two home learning packs. There is one in a clear pack, this is your everyday learning pack. It contains name writing activities, letter formation, number formation, there is a FOB of our learnt sounds/common words/tricky words and a copy of our patter to help the children learn to write their sounds. This pack you can use all the time (please keep the FOB safe it’s hrs of work to replace and I will add to it as the year goes on), the more your child uses the pack the quicker they will pick things up. Get your children to say the sounds to you as you look at them, if they’re unsure of a set don’t move on until they know them. Practice blending the common words and recognising the tricky words. Here’s a link to a video on how the sounds should be said:

In the event of another lockdown and children need to stay at home, there is also a red pack. This pack is ONLY to be used if your child is locked down. In it are resources linked to maths, literacy (the story of the Little Red Hen), some learning about Autumn and some activities based on bonfire night. These can also be found in this Google folder.

Online lessons

Online lessons are to be accessed via The Oak Academy (


The Little Red Hen  (

Lessons 1-10.

A focus on character and story remapping.


Challenge 1: numbers within 6.  (

Challenge 2: numbers within 10.  (

Challenge 3: numbers within 20.   (

Understanding the World

Autumn  (

Bonfire  (

If you are unsure of anything or just want some advice please send me a Tapestry message and I’ll get right back to you.

Many thanks and happy half term!

Mr Whitney.

Useful websites and apps


Phonics lessons online:


