All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 2 Remote Learning

In the event of another lockdown and children need to stay at home, below is an outline of 2 weeks planning for Year 2 students to complete remotely. I will be uploading videos and activities to seesaw and introduce and support these activities. Please ensure that photos of the work are uploaded to seesaw so that I can provide feedback to the children. If you have a problem accessing seesaw, please let me know as soon as possible. Please o not use this pack if your child is in isolation and their class bubble is still attending school, work will be posted for them on seesaw relevant to what we are doing at the point in time that your child is off. 

It will be expected that children complete Maths and English lessons daily plus a foundation subject. The foundation subject lessons can be done on any day. English/Reading can be found at the front of the book, maths in the middle and foundation subjects at the end. 
