All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Autumn term in Year 6 comes to an end

What a busy term we have had! Plenty of learning, adjusting to being back into school after a 5 month break and two sets of SATS practice.

As a Federation, this term, we have introduced a new approach to teaching English involving much shared and modelled writing and gathering of choice vocabulary. Year 6 report that they enjoy this new approach as they feel they have greater support to write. Certainly the exposure to deeper vocabulary is reflected in their writing.

This term some have faced personal challenges returning to school and it has not been an easy ride for some. Yet they have coped admirably and their friendship, their kindness and cooperation as a class has been very evident. I am very proud of them.

Over the holidays, please do encourage your child to keep reading, to play spelling games on EdShed and to practice their times tables on ttrockstars.

Their presentations were all their own work. I think you will agree that they have learned much this term.

I do wish you all a restful and healthy Christmas.