All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 1 Thursday 25th February

Good Morning Year 1!
Please find complete the four challenges and send a photo to Seesaw.

Phonics – Challenge 1:

Recapping the digraph ‘ir’
Today you’re going to be reading and writing words the the digraph sound – /ir/
Watch the video from Letters and Sounds.
Write three words from the video.
Come up with a sentence that includes one of those words.
Handwriting challenge: Complete a line of the letter ‘y,Y’ both lowercase and Capital. Then think of two words with this letter at the start.
To help you write the lowercase ‘y’ please say the phrase – “down the horn, up the horn then under the head”.
Blending challenge: Phonics Play Complete a Phase 3 or 4 game! (No longer than 20 minutes on the game please)
Login: Jan 21
Password: home

English – Challenge 2:

Exploring instructions – What do we have instructions for? Record yourself explaining what instructions are. What could we use instructions for? What do instructions help us to do? Can you find some instructions in your house?

Maths – Challenge 3:

To explore arrays (part 2)
Follow the Oak Academy video.
Find the resources on the powerpoint.
Either use the worksheet or a physical object.
Spicy Challenge: To extend your learning find and play a maths game on TopMarks:

PSHE – Challenge 4:

It’s okay not to be okay – Feeling good.
Please follow the Oak Academy video to explore today’s PSHE lesson.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!
Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.