All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year Five – Mini Monster Visit

Year Five were extremely lucky to join Ed when he visited with his Mini-Monsters today.

To start, we met Frank and Barry- the African Land snails. Next we were introduced to Mildred and Myrtle who were giant millipedes with 250 legs each! We loved Winston, the bearded dragon, even though he was a bit smelly during our session. Salsa, the milk snake, was also very popular. She was so long that 5 or 6 of us could stroke her at the same time. The highlight of the session was Tranny, the tarantula. A dream came true for Mrs Lawrence as she was allowed to hold Tranny.

What a wonderful opportunity to meet and hold animals that we wouldn’t usually get a chance to see. We have learned so much about each of them too. Thank you for visiting us, Ed.