All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 6 Derbyshire Day 2

We’ve certainly had an action-packed day today! Rock climbing, abseiling and caving were our main activities. Photo opportunities were limited today but we’ve taken a few. Many children faced their fears and gave things a go, which is fantastic. They were all so pleased with themselves and what they achieved today. From the tight squeezes in the caves, to the jaw-dropping heights of the rock faces we climbed and abseiled, the children need a big pat on the back (and some of the adults do too!). To top it all off, we cooled off in the town’s outdoor swimming pool in the evening.

We want to mention as well that we are so impressed with the way the children from both schools have mixed and mingled with each other. One child was overheard saying, “I’m loving this. I’ve made so many new friends.”