All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Maths and Art in Year 1

Year 1 have been demonstrating their creative and practical minds today.  During Maths they started to investigate how big the Big Bad Wolf actually was through measuring him with different objects.  They had to look carefully to check that he was being measured from the bottom of his feet (paws) to the very top of his head.  

Children then used this learning to help them to measure other objects around the classroom including their friends!

Mrs Cairns bought in her tinker box for children to investigate when making their own sculptures.  They were encouraged to use their creativity and imagination and were allowed to make whatever they wished.  Mrs Cairns gave some suggestions to get them started, such as something which balances, or a sculpture which is small enough to fit in your palm.  But the class had plenty of their own ideas.  This tinkering will help us to understand how different materials work and feel before making our next sculptures.