All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 1 Explore the School Vision

On the first day of the Spring term we enjoyed a day off timetable.  The children were tasked with understanding more about the school values and the school vision.

Miss Flower discovered that Year 1 could already name all six school values and we had a fantastic discussion about how we could show each value when at school.

The children were then reminded of the parable of the wise man and the foolish man.  They were then tasked with creating their own house to stand on the rocks and show how their strong foundations of God’s love, support from their families, friends and school can keep their house standing firm.  

In the afternoon we enjoyed splitting into our 4 school houses and learning all about the very important lady’s our houses are named after. Miss Flower helped Florence Nightingale house understand who she was and why we remember her today.  The children were fantastic to work with and really enjoyed making a lantern just like Florence Nightingale.