All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 1 Monday 18th January

Good Morning Year 1!
I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend. You have four challenges to complete today – Please find the Powerpoint on our classes webpage or Seesaw to support you with your learning.

Phonics – Challenge 1:
Consolidating our sounds! We have now had our last lesson learning about all of our sounds. Over the next few weeks we need to consolidate our learning and make sure we’re reading them and using them in our writing correctly.
Watch the video from Letters and Sounds.
Write three words that include the sound
Come up with a sentence that includes one of those words.
Handwriting challenge: Complete a line of the letter ‘a,A’ both lowercase and Capital. Then think of two words with this letter at the start.

English – Challenge 2:
Planning your story – Problem – What could happen to your character?
What could the bad character do to your good character that causes them a problem?
Write a few sentences that can explain your idea.
Draw what happens.

Maths – Challenge 3:
Fractions : To identify one half of a shape
In today’s lesson you will be splitting shapes into half.
Follow the Oak Academy video
Find the resources on the powerpoint.
Either use the worksheet or a physical object.

PSHE – Challenge 4:
Exploring your feelings – Happiness
On the powerpoint there is a picture of a gingerbread man. Inside your gingerbread man can you draw all the things that make you happy.
To finish, write a sentence about one thing in particular that makes you happy.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!

Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.