All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 1 Thursday 21st January

Good Morning Year 1!
Happy Thursday! You have four challenges to complete today – Please find the Powerpoint on our classes webpage or Seesaw to support you with your learning.

Phonics – Challenge 1:

Consolidating our sounds!
Today you’re going to be focusing on the sounds /ow/ /ear/ /oi/
Watch the video from Letters and Sounds
Write three words that include the sound
Come up with a sentence that includes one of those words.
Handwriting challenge: Complete a line of the letter ‘d,D’ both lowercase and Capital. Then think of two words with this letter at the start.

English – Challenge 2:

Writing your story – Build up – Use your plan to help you write this section.
In the story of Little Red Riding Hood the main characters travelled through the forest – this was the build up in that part of the story.
Think about the setting that you planned last week and write a few sentences about your main character walking or moving through the setting.
Your build up must:
Describe the setting
Explain how your character is travelling through the setting.
Write a sentence about where your character is going.

Maths – Challenge 3:

To find one quarter of a quantity.
Follow the Oak Academy video
Find the resources on the powerpoint.
Try your best to workout the answer.

Art and Design – Challenge 4:

Mrs Cairns Art challenge. Please find the attached Powerpoint with all the information.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!

Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.