All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


RSPCA with Year 1 and Year 4

We combined our classes today to enjoy and learn all about the RSPCA with Leanne.

We learned about the role of the RSPCA how they rescue animals from difficult situations. 

The children all had an animal and had to decide whether it was a pet, a wild animal or a farm animal. 

We learnt about rehabilitating animals and how they might need extra care, treatment, or an operation and how they then recover using appropriate food, exercise and different types of therapy. (Hydrotherapy or physiotherapy) We found out that some animals will never have experienced love and kindness. Finally in our introduction to the RSPCA we discovered that they will rehome  and release the animals they rescue. 

Our second part of the talk was looking at animals and their habitats. We found out about Squirrel drays and how they live alone,  Badger setts, hedgehog nests under hedgerows, fox lairs which are separated into dens, rabbit warrens, deer habitats and finally we found out about grey seals who live in colonies. We then heard about how we need to keep away from the seals and not let our dogs run around near them. 

We finished off with a quiz to test the children’s knowledge. Everyone did really well.