All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Samba Drumming year 4 29th June 23

As part of the music curriculum children are encouraged to prepare and perform in front of an audience. This helps to give our children confidence and a feeling of success once it is completed. 

Year 4 have been lucky to have weekly Samba drumming lessons with Gary from the Norfolk Music Hub. They have really enjoyed building up their skills to create a Samba to perform to an audience. We invited the school to our performance today, luckily the rain disappeared and we could perform outside. Everyone felt a little nervous and apprehensive but as they practised they found their confidence before the audience appeared. 

The performance went exactly to plan and everyone was clapping and appreciated the effort Year 4 had put in. 

To end Gary explained about the Amazon River and the sounds you can hear from it, he got the whole school creating the river sound, the rain in the rain-forest and included bird song. What a great whole school effort.