All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 4 Remote Learning January 2021

Dear Parents, Happy New Year! 

Year 4’s main access to learning is through Google Classroom. All children know how to access this as we did so in the class last term. They need to write out their full email address  and remember to include with their first part of the address. The next stage is remembering their passwords – everyone was able to do this before Christmas, however if anyone has forgotten please contact the school office as they have a copy of these, just in case. 

Year 4 will need to be accessing Google Classroom / Google MEET at 9am, 11am and 2.30pm each day. In the afternoon they will have a story and an assembly. The morning sessions will be the core subjects plus talking about an afternoon activity. You have been emailed the class code for Google MEET earlier today. 

Reading: Please encourage your child to continue reading each day, I will be asking them to share their reading with each other during the week. 

I will set up a topic area for parents in the Google Classroom. This is where you can write any questions for me, leave encouraging messages for each other – share positivity. 

When we are on Google MEET I do like to know that you are there too, you don’t need to be there all the time but it just let me know that you are nearby and aware of what is going on. A simple wave and hello is fine. 

Critical care worker children: Please can they take in their own headphones to use on the chrome books so they are able to join in for the online sessions. 

Please feel able to contact me through the office. My school email is for the children. 

Best Wishes
Clare Budgett