All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 5 Summer Week 7

This week was the first week back from half term and in Maths we have been doing decimals and in English Sentence Stacking we are doing a short film called Alma which is about a little girl who walks into a shop because she saw a doll in a shop window that is a replica of her but what she doesn’t know is that if she touches it she will turn into the doll, which we found out at the end of the film. 

With Mrs Niven on Friday we did some more work in DT on our cams which we really enjoyed. We also learnt about Martin Luther King in History and learnt how he did a really important speech in 1963 about how he had a dream that black girls and boys will join hands with white girls and boys. Sadly he was assassinated in 1968.

(Daisy – Y5 School Parliament)