All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Day 4 Derbyshire Residential

For the last day of activities we went to Matlock to visit the Heights of Abraham. We took the cable cars to the top and enjoyed the stunning views. The mining caves we walked through were spectacular and the children were amazed to find crystals in the rocks. When we came back down the cable cars we went along the river on Lover’s Walk, navigating the steep ascents.

Each evening we’ve spent time at the park. The photos from today show we’ve had a great time there, playing capture the flag, football and other games. Tonight we played some silly games to celebrate a child’s birthday – some of which humiliated the staff!

We’ve had such a great time! The children have loved every minute, made new friends and overcome fears. We have really enjoyed spending time with your wonderful children.

We are on the road now and will inform you of our ETA soon.