All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


End of SATs

We’ve come to the end of the 2024 SATs for Year 6.  The children have tried their very best and we are so proud of how they have behaved and focused during the last four days. It hasn’t all been easy and many questions challenged the children. 

Some of our children have attended twice weekly booster sessions to give them the confidence to answer questions and develop their answering skills, we know it isn’t always great to stay behind at school until 4pm, but they did it. 

After the final test this morning we treated the children to a cookie baking session, hopefully they have returned home with their cookies for their families to try. This afternoon we made 3d shapes from a 2D shapes before enjoying lollies and lots of snacks from the week. 

Well done Year 6, you’ve tried your hardest and that is all we ask from you. 

Back to normal tomorrow, remember to go to your own classroom.