All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Y2 Trip To Cromer

We had a wonderful day in Cromer visiting Cromer Museum where we learned about seaside holidays in the past. The children enjoyed trying on outfits, meeting a Victorian lady and making poppies. After lunch, we went for a walk spotting human and physical features found at the seaside. We finished the trip by going to a playground and having an ice lolly. Thank you to the wonderful adults who joined us on our trip.

Year 2 Voting

After the results of the General Election, Y2 talked about how yesterday people aged 18 and over went to Polling Stations to vote and that the winning party was Labour. The children were able to tell me that Keir Starmer is our new Prime Minister. We had our own vote and had to choose between: 1) To live in a house made of chocolate or a house made of crisps. 2) To have extremely long arms or extremely long legs. The winning results were we would rather have a house made of chocolate and  extremely long arms. A big thank you to Mr Arter for building the Polling Station! 

Year 4 – Art Project

Year 4 have just finished their art project. We have studied birds and migration as well as looking at different nests and then making our own nests using a variety of materials.

Year 2 Pirates Day

The children had a great day learning about the lives of pirates. They measured the length of a Pirate Ship using metre sticks, carried out pirates’ jobs, such as climbing the rigging to be a look out, being the Captain, Quartermaster and many more. The class then acted out sleeping in small areas with their fellow pirates and imagined how smelly it would be. They tasted dry biscuits and learned about Scurvy, a horrible disease caused by a lack of fresh fruit and vitamins in the pirate’s diet. In the afternoon, the children tested their knowledge of directions, in particular the four compass points (North, East, South, West) and followed instructions to find treasure. Finally, they made their own parrots which were all unique and amazing.

Year 5 Bikeability

It is lovely to see so many year 5 children taking the opportunity to improve and refine their biking skills so that they can be safe and understand the dangers of cycling on the road.

On Friday the children undertook their first stage of training, they have to complete this before being allowed to progress further. Their next stage is over two weeks where they will be on the road learning about approaching junctions, coping with real traffic.

Food Tasting in Year 2

As part of our Design Technology unit this term, the children tried a wide range of healthy foods to allow them to begin to think about ingredients that they would like to use in their own healthy couscous salad. They evaluated the foods they tested according to their taste, texture or both and said which foods they liked or disliked. I was impressed by how many of the class asked for ‘seconds’ and that some children tried foods that they’d never eaten before. Well Done!

World War II Year 4

Year 4 have been learning about World War II and this week we thought about what it would be like to be evacuated as a child. Children had to leave the big cities for their safety and move to the country. They had to take a gas mask and a small suitcase.

Horstead Lost Property

We managed to match most missing items with their correct person! However, there were a few un-named items that we couldn’t find owners for. Take a look at the items below, and if you think they are yours, please let the Y3/ Y4 teachers know and we will return them to you.

There were also a small number of named items that have been left at school. We have returned these to the correct classroom and they will be waiting for you when you return after the half term break.

Have a good holiday.

Horstead Day 3 (Friday)

And Finally……

All packed up and ready for home. What an amazing group of children… What an amazing time we have had… What a lot we have all achieved.

Well done to everyone for all you have learned and all you have conquered. We are so proud of you. We hope you all get a good sleep tonight and that you are just as proud of your achievements as we are.

Horstead Day 2 (Thursday)

Another adventurous and fun filled day. The children have experienced all sorts of activities including water rafting, archery, bushcraft survival skills and climbing. We are so proud of how the children have approached each of these activities. They have worked really hard to face challenges and have persevered to overcome them with the support of their teammates. Everyone has helped to encourage others and many have made great new friends. Throughout the day we have learned lots of life skills: from having to prepare our own lunches, to learning the importance of listening to instructions; from keeping our dormitories and equipment tidy, to persevering when solving problems. Well done everyone!