At the end of a wonderful day we even had a visit from year 5 who came to read us some stories. Thanks hear 5, we loved it!
World Book Day Assembly
Reception, Year 1 and 2 came together to celebrate World Book Day in assembly. Each year group was given the opportunity to parade around the hall and a few children from each class shared with us all what they had dressed up as and a little about their book. Here are a selection of the fantastic costumes worn today. Even the teachers have enjoyed dressing up too! Thank you for all your effort in supporting such a brilliant day!
Yesterday Miss Allison spoke to the children about pollution. She carried out a little experiment to demonstrate water pollution but adding various things to some nice clean water. She added salt, mud, oil and litter and discussed the effects of these things on the habitat and the animals that live there. She went on to discuss how we can help stop pollution by recycling our rubbish, putting rubbish and litter in bins, turning down loud noises, not using transport as much and chopping less trees down.Afterwards the children decided they’d like to go on a litter pick around the school grounds to help protect our environment. Great work budding environmentalists!
Yesterday Miss Allison continued to talk to the children about the wordless book Flotsam. They looked more closely at a few of the pages (pictures) and imagined what was happening, what the characters might be thinking or saying, and some of the sounds they were hearing. Working in pairs they were given 1 picture from the book and asked to draw it before adding their own words to it. They all worked beautifully together sharing ideas, taking it in turns or working together and using their imaginations they have created their very own story. I’m super impressed, hats off to them all!
This term our school value has been ‘forgiveness’. Today we looked at a story called ‘The angry bee’, and discussed how the bee felt before and after he forgave. We discussed the importance of forgiveness for our own mental wellbeing and how it made us feel. The Christian symbol for forgiveness is the cross. So the children wrote words related to forgiveness, such as kind, happy and joyful, before decorating the other side to display in our classroom. We hope these crosses will remind us of the importance of forgiveness over the coming months.
Desert Sunset Art
The children have been creating with a purpose this week, linking their learning on habitats to their art work. We began by looking at a picture of sunset in a desert and thinking about what colours we could see and where about they were in relation to one another. Then all the children were challenged to create their own versions and explain what they’d done well and think about what they could improve next time. Personally I think they’ve all done a beautiful job and they are brightening up our classroom no end.