All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 4 R.E Day

Year 4 worked with Year 3 for our R.E day this term. Our main question, was ‘Why do Christians call the day Jesus died good?’ We started the day with writing a diary from Mary’s point of view about Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, then being crucified and then after three days being alive again. We also learnt about how Jewish people celebrate Passover and we tried some of the foods from the Sedar Meal. We learnt that Christians do not celebrate Passover as Jesus has died so Christians have a special meal of bread and wine. In the afternoon, we made three different craft items to remember Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. 

It was a great day and we learnt a lot!

Y2 Maasai Tribal Necklaces, Plants and Cricket

The last two weeks have been busy in Year 2 and the children have been taking parts in lots of hands on learning. They practised their batting and catching skills in cricket with a coach from the Norfolk Cricket Association. The kids absolutely loved being outside and all worked really hard. In Science, we are nearing the end of our Plants unit and the children planted sunflower seeds and Gladioli (or Gladiators-their nickname for them) in clear plastic cups so they will be able to see the roots and shoot forming from the bulb.  In Geography, we learned about life in the Maasai Tribe based in Kenya and made our own tribal necklaces and watched a traditional tribal jumping dance.

World Book Day

Year 2 had an amazing day celebrating books. We read books, talked about books, guessed which adjectives everyone in our class was dressed up as, decorated potatoes with Year 5/6 CB and then designed book covers. 

It was such a fun day.

World Book Day’s Dress Up A Potato

Today, Stibbard was overrun with some amazing adjective costumes to celebrate World Book Day. One of the activities on offer was to decorate a potato.  Year 2 and Year 5/6 CB worked together to create fun designs and did a fantastic job. We all had lots of book fun and learned lots of new adjectives.

Y2’s Art – Structures

This half-term, Year 2 explored the architecture of some famous buildings around the world. They then designed and made their buildings according to their own criteria. All of the children worked extremely hard and had to problem solve when something on their structure didn’t quite work. They worked well in pairs and really helped each other out. Once all the buildings were completed, they held a mini gallery and evaluated someone else’s work. Well done!

Y2 – Sewing in DT

Year 2 have sewn and decorated these amazing key rings. They chose a shape, planned their design and then sewed them using a running stitch. We were so lucky to have some wonderful parent / grandparent helpers to support the children. 

Well Done Year 2

Year 2 Computing

Y2 had a fun afternoon programming our new Beebots. They chose a start and an end point, working out the steps the Beebot would need to take on its journey. If the Beebot took a wrong turn, they reprogrammed (debugged) the Beebot to reach its final destination.

Year 2’s RE Day

On Monday, Year 2 had in a child’s words, “The best RE Day ever!” We explored the big question: Why Christmas Matters to Christians? They retold the Nativity using finger puppets and imagined what each character would be thinking or saying to each other. They discovered how other countries celebrate Christmas. In the afternoon, they made Christingles and found out what each part of the Christingle means to Christian’s.

Week beginning 4th December

The children have been busy learning all about 2D and 3D Shapes and applying their knowledge to create patterns and sort the shapes using different criteria. They are also enjoying using a computer programme to create pictograms from tally charts. The class showed off their knowledge of what can and cannot be recycled. 

They are also working very hard to explore our value of Responsibility this term.