All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 2 – Week 2 9.1.23 – 13.1.23

The first full week of the Spring Term has whizzed by. The children were introduced to a poem called ‘Bathroom Fiddler’ by Michael Rosen and did lots of acting and reading to immerse themselves into this fun poem. They have started to write their own version called ‘Desk Diddler’ and are enjoying making up their own fun nonsense rhyming words. They have also been ‘grouping and sharing’ in Mathematics using lots of resources (including themselves!) to help them understand all about division. In RE, the class learnt about a Christian baptism and chose how to freeze-frame their ideas.

Well Done Y2, it’s been a fun week.

Icy Fun

After our delicious Christmas meal the whole school went on to the field to enjoy the ice. Mrs Cairns bought an iPad out so that the children could take pictures of the beautiful sights. The children took some wonderful pictures.

Y2 Week 12

This week has gone by very fast and the children have been busy rehearsing for next weeks Nativity but have still had time to achieve lots of learning successes. We have finished adding and subtraction, moved onto money and used lots of mathematical resources. They made personal space hands in RSE and considered what their personal space bubble looked like. In PE, we practised throwing and catching a range of balls and beanbags and learnt how to edit a piece of writing using Common Exception word mats. 

Great work Y2, well done.

Year Two Posada

Year Two are learning about how different countries celebrate advent. In Mexico they have a Posada procession from house to house to remember how Mary, Joseph and the donkey went to different Inns in Bethlehem. We recreated this by going to different classes and asking if they had any room for us. The teachers and the class always said no! It was good fun and everybody took part.

Many thanks to the pond party!

We may have had a soggy start to our Sunday morning, but it certainly didn’t dampen the spirits.  A big thank you to all of the parents, children and the FACT team who turned up to help us to show some love to our amazing school pond.  Over the last few years the pond had become very overgrown which meant that we were unable to use it as we would like with our pupils.  FACT (Fakenham Area Conservation Trust) worked tirelessly to create space for the wildlife to thrive.  Families and staff tackled the overgrowth around the site, and we have been left with a beautiful space to share with our children.  A huge thank you, especially to the children who turned up and showed an awesome work ethic!  We will be inviting parents back in the near future so watch this space. There is likely to be a Christmas theme to the warming snacks!

All Saints Stibbard Remembrance Service 

The weather was fine and dry as we completed our Remembrance Service around the Memorial to hear the names of the servicemen who sacrificed their lives in the World Wars. The children were so still as we engaged in the two minutes silence at 11 am. They sat beautifully in the church service beforehand. We are so proud of them.


Year 2s Trip to Strangers Hall, Norwich

We had an amazing day in Norwich on Wednesday consolidating our Great Fire of London knowledge. The children took part in three activities that helped them imagine what life would’ve been like in 1666. Everyone joined in and were polite and asked and shared their amazing knowledge with the staff at Strangers Hall. We would also like to say a huge thank you to all the staff and volunteers who joined us for this wonderful day.

Year 2 DT Pulleys

This half term, Y2 learnt how pulleys worked and then used this knowledge to plan and create Tudor Houses to include a pulley to raise a flame linked to their History learning of The Great Fire of London. They all worked incredibly hard solving problems when they arose and helping each other out when they needed to. They finished off by evaluating their finished piece and admiring each other’s work. Well done Y2!

Year 2 Weekly Round-Up

It is hard to believe that six weeks have passed already and the children have had a fantastically busy and creative week, where they;

  • used chrome books for the first time to open up a Google doc and experiment with typing;
  • made nativity puppets and re-enacted The Nativity Story to understand the importance of light in the story and to Christians;
  • investigated how to make a bridge out of eight sheets of paper which was strong enough to hold a toy car and used Atlases to find out about the world we live in.

Well Done Year 2!