All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


World Book Day

From Hermoine Granger to Bruno, Percy Jackson to a giant alien, Year 5 came into school in all shapes, sizes and colours as we celebrated World Book Day. After drawing illustrations from their favourite book, they completed a book scavenger hunt and finished the day with some shared reading with the Reception children.

Year 5 Spring Week 6

Maths: in Maths we learnt about dividing large numbers with remainders.

English: we had our penultimate sentence stacking lesson on The Martian.

History: on Monday in our History lesson we learnt about democracy and had a debate about whether cars should be banned or not. There was a chief whip, a journalist and two party leaders. One leader wanted to keep cars whilst the other wanted to ban cars and we were split up in 2 teams: one wanted to keep cars, one not. Both leaders prepared a speech. After both leaders had said their speech we had a silent vote. The results were – Ban cars = 7. Keep cars = 14. We also stood up if we had something to say like in the House of Commons.

Art: we started making our papier mache vases with diluted glue and strips of paper.

FUN FACT: did you know papier mache is French for chewed paper?

(Imogen – Year 5 School Parliament)

Year 5 Spring Week 5

English: We have now finished writing our own versions of War of the Worlds. By the way, we made them into mini-books.

Visitor: We had a visit from the mini-beast man (a.k.a Ed). We held a milk snake, stroked a bearded dragon, watched enviously as Mrs Lawrence held the tarantula, and we held a giant African land snail.

D&T: We used Makey-Makey to make a piano out of random objects in the classroom – we even played the piano!

I can’t wait to see what this week brings!

(Imogen – Y5 School Parliament).

Holst Music Compositions Year Five

Year Five have been learning about the ‘Planet Suite’ by the English composer Holst.

During this half term, we have listened carefully to the seven movements (all named after planets in our solar system). Holst gave a different characteristic to each of the planets and his music reflects these characteristics.

We have used Holst’s music as an inspiration to compose our own. We have used different layers to create atmosphere: some are hash and ‘war-like’ while others are calm and reflect a more peaceful planet. Listen to our compositions. Can you tell which planets we have written each composition for?

Year Five – Mini Monster Visit

Year Five were extremely lucky to join Ed when he visited with his Mini-Monsters today.

To start, we met Frank and Barry- the African Land snails. Next we were introduced to Mildred and Myrtle who were giant millipedes with 250 legs each! We loved Winston, the bearded dragon, even though he was a bit smelly during our session. Salsa, the milk snake, was also very popular. She was so long that 5 or 6 of us could stroke her at the same time. The highlight of the session was Tranny, the tarantula. A dream came true for Mrs Lawrence as she was allowed to hold Tranny.

What a wonderful opportunity to meet and hold animals that we wouldn’t usually get a chance to see. We have learned so much about each of them too. Thank you for visiting us, Ed.

Year 5 – Radioactive

Year 5 showed off their creativity in Dance, some focusing on changing levels and shapes, while others created a story within their dance routine.