All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 5 – 3.12.2021

This week has been so fun!! We made our own line graphs in Maths, recording scores of our Times Table Rockstars scores. In PE we played scorpion handball and learnt how to do a V-sit warm up to build our core muscles. In History we presented our presentations about a chosen explorer and best of all… we had a visitor from the RSPCA, who told us all about what they did as well as some fascinating facts about marine life. (Daisy – Y5 School Parliament)

Year 5 Week 11

Last week we had a big power cut on Friday so instead of having D&T we did more Science then the lights came on at about 2:30pm so we did some Art. We had a good week.

(Daisy – Y5 School Parliament)

Science Investigation in Year Five

In Year Five, we have been learning all about the Force of Gravity. In our investigation today, we learned to use force meters to measure this force. It was tricky because the force meters have different scales so we had to double check our measurements to make sure we had read them all correctly. We recorded our results in tables and found out about Sir Isaac Newton. Forces are measured in Newtons, which are named after him.

You may notice our scientists are looking rather glamorous too… we were all dressed up today to raise money for Children in Need. Well done everyone- you all looked fabulous!

Children in Need – Dance off

Years 4, 5 and 6 had fun dancing to some Just Dance videos and some entered the Dance Off competition. The judges found it tough. They choose 5 for each class and it was a close contest. The runners – up earned 9 housepoints and the winners ate a gingerbread biscuit.
Thanks goes to Mrs Pannell for providing the prizes and for the money you donated to Children in Need.

Year 5 18th October

This week has been so fun! We had our Dippy Trip on Thursday at Norwich Cathedral and it was…….. AMAZING!!! We went to Norwich, saw Dippy and drew him and now we have some incredible artwork. In Computing, we are busy planning imaginary parties using spreadsheets, using a budget and formulas. In Art we did William Morris style printing. It has been a great week.
(Daisy Year 5 School Parliament)

Year 5 Dippy Trip to the Cathedral

We had been excited for a while about our first school trip in a couple of years, and it didn’t disappoint. We were awestruck when we saw the Cathedral and were amazed at the size of Dippy and all of the incredible facts we learnt about him during our tour. Afterwards, we walked down Bishopgate, noticing lots of old buildings, before walking along the river and stopping at the picturesque Pull’s Ferry for lunch. We headed back to find a spot to sketch the Cathedral. It was a fab day out!

Y5: This week we did many fun things!

We learnt about Nelson Mandela’s ‘long walk to freedom’ and how he suffered 27 long, cold, miserable years in prison but finally got his well-earned freedom. We also learnt how in Russia it can get down to -49 degrees! Russia has many climates including grassland, polar deserts, deciduous forest, conifer forest, tundra and alpine. As well as that we are learning to design and make self-powered boats in D&T using a force called upthrust and an energy called potential and kinetic energy. This week has been so fun! (Daisy, Year 5 School Parliament).

Year 5 Livin’ on a Prayer

In Year 4 we look forward to Friday mornings and listening to the amazing singing and music coming through our walls. Year 5 have been singing and accompanying the Bon Jovi song Livin’ on a Prayer. They are rhymical, keep to a beat and sing clearly, they are clearly enjoying themselves as much as we are listening to them whilst we work. Well done Mrs Niven, Mrs Lawrence and Year 5, you rock! 

Mrs Budgett and Year 4.

This week we had our last Welly Day for a bit so we made pancakes

First we put paper scraps, newspaper and cotton wool with petroleum jelly on it. Then we all got a turn to light the fire. When it lit, we made a sturdy base for the pan and put pancakes in it along with cinnamon and sugar (they were really delicious!!). We also did woodwork with hammers and made some creative creations!

As well as that we wrote a follow on of a video animation called ‘The Present’.

This week has been so fun. (Daisy – Y5 School Parliament)