All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 5 Dt Challenge

Last week’s lock down DT challenge was to Make a catapult or trebuchet using junk modelling, lego, knex or on minecraft. This was one class member’s creation.

Year 5 have finished the week off wearing their Christmas jumpers.

During the week among other things children have been looking at Satelite images of glaciers and measuring the area of the glacier, comparing how this has changed over time. They have continued writing a non chronological report on Emperor penguins developing their language skills. We have also been doing a little bit of singing, although apparently the classroom feels like the South Pole with all our windows and doors open! 

Year 5 Coding

Year 5 have been busy coding their sprites to perform dance moves this morning and changing costumes. They have been debugging and working on their resilience.