All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 5 Remembrance

Year 5 have been talking about remembrance this week. What it means and why we remember. They took part in the key stage 2 remembrance gathering in playground showing their respect for those who died.

Year 5 Remote Learning

In the event of another lockdown and children need to stay at home, below is an outline of 2 weeks planning for Year 5 students to complete remotely. Packs will be sent home with children, including further information for the activities where needed. Where written work is produced this is to be in the exercise books provided. It will be expected that children complete Maths and English lessons daily plus a foundation subject, totaling around 3 hours work time every day. The foundation subject lessons can be done on any day. 

Should your child be in isolation and their class bubble still be attending school, work will be posted on the school website on the class page.


Holocaust Memorial Day

On Monday the KS2 children had a special assembly to understand Holocaust Memorial Day. They were amazing, they listened well and some children gave very thoughtful and factual contributions. We talked about the word DISCRIMINATION and how no one should ever experience this in their lives because of their race, religion or beliefs.

The whole school then made a flame, each child has contributed to this to remind us to remember the 6 million people who suffered in The Holocaust.


Christmas Jumpers and Carols

Just to clarify. Tomorrow children can wear their Christmas jumpers with their school uniform. i.e replace school jumper for a Christmas jumper.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our Christmas Carols around the tree at 1.30pm.

Many thanks.

Mrs B.

KS2 Production

Thank you to all our lovely family and friends who came to support our children this afternoon, it was a great success which saw the children speaking more confidently and showcasing their work.

Year 3 told us all about The Romans and their visit to The Tide and Time museum, Year 4 took rewrote the words to their song and created a conversation amongst themselves to rely their work this half term, Year 5 have completed some amazing art work on Van Gogh and finally Year 6 presented their work finishing off with Mr V’s singing group bravely singing so beautifully to us all.

Next half terms date should be published soon, we are looking forward to seeing you all again.

Meanwhile, don’t forget we welcome you into school for reading with your child every Thursday morning between 8.30 and 8.45am. It would be great to see more parents joining us.

Green Team Success

The Green Team have heard back from ESPO, the company who supplies schools and other organisations with glue sticks. Apparently they can be recycled as long as they are clean. The children have written to NNDC to ask if they put the clean glue sticks in the school’s green bin, that they will be recycled and not end up in landfill.

Green Team message – Toothpaste reminder

Good morning, please parents can you remind your children after they have used up their toothpaste tubes and brushes, as well as the brush heads from the electric toothbrushes, to please bring them into school so we can recycle them to raise money for our local church.

Many Thanks

Green Team.