All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Malham residential

Just a few reminders in preparation for the residential trip to Malham next week.

  • School will be open from 7am on Monday and all residential children must be in school by 7:15 am at the latest.
  • Leave all big luggage by the railings at the front of the school.
  • Children to bring day bags, pocket money and any medicines to the hall.
  • Medicines need to be named and clearly labelled with required dosage and times it is needed. Medicines and instructions need to be handed to Mrs Beardon.
  • Pocket money (£5 max) needs to be in a named purse and should be handed to Mrs Niven.
  • If travel tablets are required, please make sure they are given before you arrive at school. Tablets for the return journey should be labelled and handed to Mrs Beardon along with any other medication.
  • Children do NOT need to bring a sleeping bag- all bedding will be provided.
  • Children DO need to bring wellies or spare shoes that can get wet (this was not on the kit list)

Children will need the following items in their day bags:

  • Packed lunch
  • Drink in a refillable bottle (not fizzy)
  • Waterproof
  • Sun cream/ sun hat
  • Things to do on the coach: notebook, pens, pack of cards, travel games, books, magazines etc (no gadgets)

Please make sure EVERYTHING is named!
Have a great weekend and we look forward to everyone bright and early on Monday Morning!

Message from the Friends

‘Just a reminder to send back sports day (23rd May) BBQ orders by Monday.
If sports day is rained off, could you please send your child in with a lunch or organise a sports themed packed lunch (as advertised) with the office. All orders for the BBQ will be carried over to our contingency sports day on Friday.’
The Friends.

10 May Ryburgh Road Closure

Peelings have confirmed, that for today, they fully expect to be able to drop off at all 3 bus stops in Ryburgh this afternoon. If because of the emergency closure you have arranged for your child to be picked up from school, but you’d now like them to go home on the bus, please contact the school office and let them know.

Ryburgh Road Closure 13-17 May

Dear Parents/Carers,
There is a scheduled road closure through Great Ryburgh starting on Monday and a diversion will be in place. This will affect Ryburgh children and those who normally transit through the village on their way to school.
For those Ryburgh children who travel to school by bus, Peelings will operate a single pick up (8.10 am) and drop off point at Highfield Close.
We have written to County and asked if the road reopens early, we are informed so that we can work with Peelings to ensure that the 3 Ryburgh stops are reintroduced as soon as possible.
Mr B.

Lego Tokens

Year 6 have started counting all the tokens that have been sent in so far. Thank you.
Please continue to cut out the tokens in the EDP or its sister papers and send them into school.
Alternatively, you can leave them at either Guist or Ryburgh shop from where they’ll be collected.
We’re very grateful to The Friends and Ryburgh Amenity Group for promoting and supporting this initiative.

Maths stay and learn session

Reminding all parents, as published in the Spring Key Stage Newsletter, we are holding a stay and learn maths session this term. It will take place on Friday 22nd March between 9 and 10 am. Parents of children an all classes are invited to come along to your child’s maths lesson and learn maths with them. It is a great opportunity to see how we teach your children maths and how you can support this at home.

Look forward to seeing you on 22nd March, no calculators allowed!

Mrs Jeary

Momo Challenge Advice

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Over the past couple of days there has been quite a bit of concern raised by both adults and children about the ‘Momo Challenge’ which appears to have gone viral and caused quite a stir.

Having looked into it, it appears to be a hoax but the worry it has caused is nonetheless real.

Time has been spent in school to demystify the whole thing, explain what fake news and hoaxes are and what it means when something goes viral on the Internet.

Please follow the link to the BBC Newsround Report explaining how it is a hoax. It would be great if you watch this with your children (we advise KS2 children only) so that the same message is put across at home as well as at school.

This link will take you to the NSPCC Net Aware website which is designed specifically to support parents in understanding the many different social media networks out there and how your children might use them.

Thank you to parents who reported this to us so we could act upon it in a timely manner. It is so important that we work together to ensure the safety of our children, make them digitally literate, equip them to make the right choices when online and discern fact from fiction.

If you have any further concerns please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s teacher.

London Trip Tomorrow

Just a quick reminder that the year 5 and 6 children going to London tomorrow need to be at school for 6:15am.
There have been a few children off ill today. If your child is unable to join us tomorrow because of illness, please let us know by leaving a message on the school answer phone before 6:15.
With many thanks
Mrs Niven