All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 5/6 CB World Book Day

The children made a great effort at thinking about an adjective to describe who they were today. We had scary, special, black, snappy, lazy, sleepy, sporty, brave, camouflage, cosy and frightening.

Brave Colour

The children have really enjoyed this half terms art project called Brave Colour. They made mood boards using different fabrics and media before starting to create their shoe box art colour rooms.

The finished results of the art project. It was lovely to hear the encouraging comments from everyone to each other about their colour boxes.

KS2 Dodgeball at UEA SportsPark

Children from both 5/6 classes attended the KS2 dodgeball competition at the UEA SportsPark. The children played incredibly well and showed excellent sportsmanship throughout the event. The children won several games and managed to finish 6th overall.

Year 5/6 CB Art

We are looking at a unit of Art called Brave Colour. Last week the class made amazing books to make notes in for their art in this unit. They were bold with their choices and enjoyed creating their sketchbooks. This week we focused on a London artist called Yinka Llori. He enjoys working with very bold and brave colour combinations. He created a design for a basketball court in Canary Wharf which really inspired the children to have a go at designing their own court.

Open the Book

We welcomed Open the Book this week. They told the story about the people of Jerusalem returning to their home city, after being slaves, to help rebuild it. Nehemiah encouraged the people to persevere and keep going.

Year 5/6 CB Christmas Celebrations

On Friday we enjoyed making hats ready for our Christmas dinner. Everyone looked so colourful and sparkly in their Christmas jumpers, we had a great time!

Year 5/6 CB PE

Year 5/6 CB Design and Technology

Year 5/6 CB have been very busy with their DT project creating a phone sock/ useful bag. They designed, threaded needles, altered ideas and created some amazing bags. Some aren’t quite finished but with a little more time should be very soon. Well done class CB, it has been great fun working with you on these! 

Odd Socks Day Anti-Bullying Week 2023

This week is Anti-Bullying week. Today we have looked at why we are unique, we thought about odd socks, why children had chosen their particular ones today. We then thought about showing the right attitudes to avoid bullying taking place. The children said that we need to be showing compassion, kindness, forgiveness, friendship and responsibility to name but a few. We now have a line of odd socks to remind us of our ideas, luckily not the smelly variety!