All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


A challenging investigation in Year Five science

In our last science lesson, Year Five successfully separated a mixture of sand and water by sieving to separate the large pieces of sand and then using filter paper to separate the smaller pieces of sand from the water.

This week, they were set the challenge of separating a mixture of salt and water. The salt had dissolved so we knew the particles were very small and a sieve would not work. Most groups suggested we used the filter paper and they set to work trying to separate the salt from the water. However, this method did not work. After discussion, the children concluded that the salt particles were so small that they passed through the filter paper!

One group suggested that we could evaporate the water and it might leave the salt behind. So, we have poured our salt solutions into petri dishes and we will wait to see what happens next…

Year 5 Become Pilgrims

We loved having visitors from Norwich Cathedral in our school today to teach us about the Walsingham Way and what a pilgrim is. We experienced the sort of journey a pilgrim would go on and what they need. 

Year 5 London Trip

Year 5 visited the Houses of Parliament yesterday in a fun-filled day in the capital. After arriving in Greenwich Park we took in the breath-taking sights of London before seeing the Cutty Sark and catching the clipper boat along the River Thames. When we reached the Houses of Parliament we were fortunate to go inside the House of Lords as well as the House of Commons, where a debate about health and social care was taking place. We got to meet our local MP, Jerome Mayhew, and we even saw Boris Johnson!

New Gallery Opening Soon – artists needed!

Our school is excited to be opening a new gallery in the entrance hall and is looking for work from up and coming artists!

The new gallery will be showing work chosen, or created, by the children in our school.

The only catch is that the gallery is very very small – in fact it is in a dolls house!

Mrs Cairns has provided some templates for children to use, but can also use her special magic to shrink any work down to the right size if necessary.

Children can exhibit any type of art that they wish.  There is space for sculpture as well as 2D creations.

Year 5 Spring Week 12

This week in Y5 we have been doing dodgeball in PE and it’s been really fun. In English we have been sentence stacking for our balanced argument about children’s screen time – and some parents may have got some phone calls about the subject for our research! We enjoyed a class assembly from Noah R and Danny about stories from the Bible that teach us responsibility.
(Noah – Y5 School Parliament)

Year 5 Spring Week 11

This week in Year 5 we have been learning in English about children’s screen time and we held a debate about it before we write our balanced argument. In Maths we are learning about fractions.
(Noah – Y5 School Parliament)

NSPCC Assembly and Activity

Recently we worked in our Key Stages to learn what the NSPCC do and how we can talk to trusted adults in our lives to help us ‘Speak Out’ when we need to. We then explored the NSPCC website, and KS1 thought of their ‘happy places’ and KS2 made fortune tellers containing information about the NSPCC and Childline. 

Year 5 Spring Week 10

For the last few weeks in Year 5 we have done a lot. We had World Book Day with everyone coming in with many costumes and they looked really good. We also learnt about the NSPCC and Childline and made fortune tellers containing information about it.
(Noah – Y5 School Parliament)