All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


World Book Day Assembly

Year 6 led a World Book Day assembly as they shared their thoughts on reading. They talked about their favourite genres, that they borrow books from the public library or they buy books online and how they read to escape into different worlds and to ‘grow their mind’. Having lwritten their persuasive speeches last week, they used their powers of persuasion to encourage the younger children to read. Well done to Riley who confidently played his Grade 1 piano pieces for classes to come in to. All in all Year 6 did really well. I was proud of them.

Year 5 Spring Week 4

This week in Year 5 we are writing our sci-fi stories which are like War of the Worlds. We made our own river crossing course outside using tyres and wooden planks. In Computing on Scratch we are coding our own animation using a conversation with 2 characters.

Year 5 Spring Week 3

This week in Year 5 we did some more river crossing in PE and had one of us blindfolded! It was very hard. In reading we re-enacted a suspense scene from War of the Worlds. Noah and Jeremiah made their own collective worship for the class about friendship. In Science we made planets out of random stuff like Lego.
(Noah – Y5 School Parliament)

Year 5 Spring Week 2

This week in Year 5 we did river crossing in PE where you start at one side of the hall and there are stepping stones and you have to jump one to another without touching the floor – the record by a team was 4 times! In Maths we made our own battleships game with decimals numbers instead of coordinates. (Noah – Y5 School Parliament)

Year 5 Spring Week 1

This week in Year 5 we had a contest to redesign the picture for our school value sheet. We are starting a new book in English called War of the Worlds.
We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Year 5 Autumn Weeks 13 & 14

In the last two weeks we have done our Christmas Service in the church and we performed The 12 Days of Christmas. We’ve been having fun with Christmas Maths lessons – we have done a Christmas Murder Mystery, Maths colouring and have made symmetrical snowflakes to decorate our classroom. We’ve done an Emperor penguin information sheet where we’ve explained lots of amazing traits they have.
(Noah – Y5 School Parliament)

Icy Fun

After our delicious Christmas meal the whole school went on to the field to enjoy the ice. Mrs Cairns bought an iPad out so that the children could take pictures of the beautiful sights. The children took some wonderful pictures.

Christmas in a Box

Key stage 2 were lucky to experience Christmas in a Box with Andy Jones from Raise. 

The children were given a box each, thought the session they put different objects into it that represented parts of the Christmas story. Firstly they were given a person to colour in to represent themselves. Next, everyone had a small stone wrapped in muslin cloth on which they wrote a message. A star represented the star in the sky the Wise men would have followed, a heart to remind us how much God loves us and a finger labyrinth where we traced a route to the middle. A flag had to be drawn to represent the shepherds and finally a message to remind us that we are special.