All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 5 Autumn Week 12

This week we have started our Emperor penguin sentence stacking lessons in English. In Art, a lot of us have nearly finished our booklets about a poem, having done some painting and monoprinting. In History we are making presentations on different explorers.
(Noah – Y5 School Parliament)

Year 5 Autumn Week 11

In class Collective Worship we made a prayer tree and we each wrote a prayer to go on it. In Science we made paper spinners and we cut the wings to see if the size of the arms matter how fast it fell. In Maths we did a treasure hunt in a multiplying fractions lesson.
(Noah – School Parliament)

Year 5 Autumn Week 10

This week in Year 5 we have been making a booklet about a poem in Art. In English we are planning do write a diary entry sequence about a group of cameramen trying to film penguins in Antarctica. And the Children in Need Day was great! We raised over £100 – thank you for every donation.

Many thanks to the pond party!

We may have had a soggy start to our Sunday morning, but it certainly didn’t dampen the spirits.  A big thank you to all of the parents, children and the FACT team who turned up to help us to show some love to our amazing school pond.  Over the last few years the pond had become very overgrown which meant that we were unable to use it as we would like with our pupils.  FACT (Fakenham Area Conservation Trust) worked tirelessly to create space for the wildlife to thrive.  Families and staff tackled the overgrowth around the site, and we have been left with a beautiful space to share with our children.  A huge thank you, especially to the children who turned up and showed an awesome work ethic!  We will be inviting parents back in the near future so watch this space. There is likely to be a Christmas theme to the warming snacks!

Year 5 Autumn Week 9

This week in Year 5 we had our Remembrance Service in the church and Year 6 read poems and led the service. On the way down we had to hold hands with Year R. In Art we’ve been making a little booklet about a poem called Ghost in the Garden and in Design & Technology we are making boats.

Investigation Friction in Year Five

Last week, Year Five learned how to measure ‘Force’ using a Forcemeter. This week, they showed how much more confident they now are at reading the different scales while investigating which surfaces have high friction and which have low friction. The children worked in pairs to complete their own investigations and discussed their results to come up with a conclusion. Some groups showed excellent investigative skills by going back to check their results, while other groups were able to successfully use their conclusions to suggest the best materials to use to prevent slipping.

Introduction to Jazz in Year Five

Year Five have begun a new unit of work learning about jazz music. We have started with a song called ‘Three Note Bossa’ which uses the three notes: G, A and B. The children appraised the song, giving thoughtful opinions about how the song made them feel, before learning to play it accurately. At first it was tricky to get the notes in the right order and to maintain the correct tempo, however, by the end of the lesson everyone had mastered two sections of the song. Next lesson we will learn the third section and begin to add in our own improvisations.

All Saints Stibbard Remembrance Service 

The weather was fine and dry as we completed our Remembrance Service around the Memorial to hear the names of the servicemen who sacrificed their lives in the World Wars. The children were so still as we engaged in the two minutes silence at 11 am. They sat beautifully in the church service beforehand. We are so proud of them.


Year 5 Autumn Week 8

In Year 5 this week we enjoyed recreating some photos from our book, Scott of the Antarctic – a polar explorer. In PE we had a visitor come in and teach us dodgeball. In Art we are learning to monoprint. In Science we used a Newton meter to discover the force of some items.
(Noah – Y5 School Parliament)

Year 5 Parent Cafe

We were thrilled to see so many parents yesterday afternoon in our classroom. The children taught the parents about the Wise Man and the Foolish Man parable (which links to our school vision), then they showed them their best work from this half term and made lovely scrapbook entries in their Memory Books. We finished the afternoon with a Pop Quiz with parents joining in – I think it’s fair to say that the children won!