All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 5 Summer Week 9

This week we learnt about Rosa Parks and how she sat on a bus to protest about segregation but she didn’t just sit on a bus, she sat there and didn’t get out for a white person so she got arrested. How unfair is that?

We also finished writing our English stories which were basically the sequel to Alma. In Maths we did some measuring and we decided to measure our body parts and we found out that some of us are perfect squares because height and armspan were the same.

(Daisy – Y5 School Parliament).

Year 5 Summer Week 7

This week was the first week back from half term and in Maths we have been doing decimals and in English Sentence Stacking we are doing a short film called Alma which is about a little girl who walks into a shop because she saw a doll in a shop window that is a replica of her but what she doesn’t know is that if she touches it she will turn into the doll, which we found out at the end of the film. 

With Mrs Niven on Friday we did some more work in DT on our cams which we really enjoyed. We also learnt about Martin Luther King in History and learnt how he did a really important speech in 1963 about how he had a dream that black girls and boys will join hands with white girls and boys. Sadly he was assassinated in 1968.

(Daisy – Y5 School Parliament)

Design Technology in Year Five

Year Five have been exploring how ‘cams’ work and have designed a toy that will incorporate a working cam mechanism. Last week, we began to make the frames that our cams will attach to. To do this we had to learn how to use the saws safely and learned the best ways to make strong joints when joining our pieces of wood together. Everyone worked with focused determination and it is wonderful to see the children’s designs becoming a reality. Well done Year Five, we can’t wait to see your finished products.

Jubilee Day

Stibbard went red, white and blue today to celebrate our Queen’s Platinum  Jubilee. Seventy years of reigning as our monarch. We paraded in our costumes in our Friday Celebration Assembly and sang The National Anthem. It was lovely to have the whole school together singing again!

It’s Time To Stroodlise!

Year 5 has been learning about persuasive adverts in English, with eco-friendly themed products. We looked at the product, Stroodles – edible tableware, and Mr Good bought a selection of their products to try out at lunchtime. We enjoyed the pasta straws, but weren’t so sure about the edible plates.

Year 5 Whitlingham Trip

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Whitlingham Adventure as they participated in paddleboarding, sailing and rock climbing. It was a long awaited trip as Year 5 suffered the effects of lockdown, having missed out on their residential and other trips. It was lovely to watch the children learning new skills, challenging themselves and encouraging their classmates. I think we all need a good rest now!

Year 5 Summer Week 4

This week was a bit different because Year 6 had their SATs so we couldn’t have our normal assemblies so some kind volunteers in our class prepared and delivered the Collective Worship, such as Jake and Sophie who based theirs on drought, Blake and Toby who taught us about hurricanes, and Alice and Imogen did charity. All of them were enjoyable and they linked their topic to how we can ‘weather’ storms in our own lives. 

In Maths we focused on time and in English we were experience lessons on persuasive adverts so that eventually we get to write our own advert. In PE we got a professional touch rugby player to coach our lesson.

(Daisy – Y5 School Parliament)

Year 5 Summer Week 3

Last week we learnt how to do some algebra in Maths. I wonder if you can figure out what n is in this equation: n x n – n = 42

In English we planned and wrote our David Attenborough style animal chases, from the tiniest of critters, like Emily’s greenfly vs ladybird chase, to Sophie’s lion vs zebra chase.

(By Daisy – School Parliament)

Year 5 Summer Week 2

On Friday in DT we designed a type of Georgian toy, and in Science we did an experiment on what materials dissolve, such as salt, sugar, flour, sand and bicarbonate of soda. The salt, sugar and soda dissolved but flour and sand did not. In PE we did our own endurance obstacle course and raced over them. In English we finished the last bit of our sentence stacking and next week we will write a David Attenborough style piece of writing about an animal chase.