All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Y5 Science- dissolving

Last week, in science, the Year Five class investigated which substances dissolved and which did not. First we had to learn what dissolving actually means. Then we had to measure everything carefully to ensure that we were performing a fair test. Finally, we had to use our superb observation skills before recording our results in a table.

Year 5 Summer Week 1

Hope you all had a great Easter!

On Wednesday we were learning about negative numbers and how much difference is between them. In RE we learnt about Hinduism and how they live their life like a game of snakes and ladders. We even had a go at bad things things at the top of snakes and good words at the bottom of the ladders.

In PE on Thursday we did sprinting and we learnt how to make ourselves faster by lifting our legs up. 

In Art on Friday we started to make a Van Gogh style piece of art. And in Science we learnt about different materials.

(by Daisy S – Y5 School Parliament)

Year 5 Earth Day

Across the school we have been thinking about ‘Earth Day’ and what we can do to help make our World a better, healthier and more peaceful place.

The Year Five class discussed a whole range of sensible changes that could be made to help our Planet Earth. Some ideas included everyday things that we can all do, like turning lights and devices off when we don’t need them and reducing the amount of rubbish we put into landfill. Other ideas involved more global issues, such as finding and using alternative fuels instead of oil.

Amazing Mazes in Y5

Year Five have finished their maze project using the control equipment, ‘Makey Makey’. The challenge was to use the control device to start a timer on ‘scratch’ which was triggered at the start of the maze. They also needed to ensure that, at the end of the maze, the metal ball triggered the timer to stop. This was very tricky but the teams worked hard to puzzle out how to make this work.

The second stage of the challenge was to adapt the maze so that the metal ball took exactly 10 seconds to complete its journey through the maze. You can see from the photos that some of us got very close indeed! This whole project took a lot of teamwork and all of the groups had to continuously adapt and refine their work to get their finished products to work successfully. Great perseverance Year Five.

Year 5 Performance

In Music, Year Five have been learning the song ‘Make You Feel My Love’ by Adele. The song was written by Bob Dylan in 1997 and it featured on Adele’s first album, 19. It was accompanied by a piano and a string quartet (which is 2 violins, a viola and a cello). We have learned many facts about Adele and have begun to accompany our singing with glockenspiels. It is a calm and peaceful song, which we have found comforting on a Friday morning. This is our final performance.

Year 5 Spring Week 10

Here are the highlights of the week:Maths: In Maths we’ve been learning about angles and shapes (parallel, vertex, edge, quadrilateral etc).English: In English we have finished our balanced argument sentence stacking and nearly finished the big write.Science: In Science we have been leaning about how we go through puberty and how our body changes when we are going from a child to an adult.PE: In PE we are making a gymnastics routine that has to involve balance, shape, travel, flight and rotation – can’t wait to see everyone’s routines!

Imogen (Y5 School Parliament)

Greek Vases – Year Five

Year Five have completed their amazing papier mache Greek style vases.

Over the past few weeks, they have investigated what ancient Greek Vases really looked like and how they were decorated. They also learned all about a range of papier mache techniques, and how papier mache can be used to create a whole range of useful and decorative items. Our final task was to consolidate all they had learned to create a vase of their own and add their own designs using Ancient Greek art as an inspiration.

Look at the photos to see how many different stages there were in the making process. Lots of different skills were needed and the children were great at supporting each other.

Red Nose Day in KS2

Year Five dressed up in style to raise money for this year’s COMIC RELIEF. Some of the Year 3 and 4 joined us too. We are really proud to be helping to raise money for good causes and we have loved the bright red glow in the classroom today!

Year 5 Spring Week 7

Here are the highlights of the week.

English: we finished writing our space reports and all of them look… amazing!

Music: in Music we are learning the song Make You Feel My Love sang by Adele.

Science: in Science we’ve been learning about the human life cycle and that we grow the fastest between 0-1 years old.

(By Imogen – Y5 School Parliament)

Year Five Music

In Music, Year Five are learning the song ‘Make You Feel My Love’ by Adele. So far we have learned that the song was written by Bob Dylan in 1997 and that it was on Adele’s first album, 19.

We are learning to sing the song with confidence and have started to learn how to accompany our singing with instruments. The tempo of the song is quite slow and members of the class have said that this helps to make them feel peaceful and calm. Others have said how comforting they find the lyrics. We had fun today making predictions about who the song could have been written for.