All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Class of 2024

It is always so sad to see our Year 6 children leave. We had our Leavers’ service yesterday where the children shared their memories of their time at All Saints. They were presented with their hoodies which the Friends kindly bought for each child. They also received a little worry worm from our Open the Book team which they can put in their blazer pocket ready for that first day at High School. 

We are so proud of this year group, they have coped with two lockdowns in different key stages, the class became half the size and they experienced a rocky few years with different adults in the class . They overcame so much and still managed to achieve SATs results beyond our initial expectations. 

We wish them well as they start the next stage of their education, they will be greatly missed.

Year 5 Bikeability

It is lovely to see so many year 5 children taking the opportunity to improve and refine their biking skills so that they can be safe and understand the dangers of cycling on the road.

On Friday the children undertook their first stage of training, they have to complete this before being allowed to progress further. Their next stage is over two weeks where they will be on the road learning about approaching junctions, coping with real traffic.

End of SATs

We’ve come to the end of the 2024 SATs for Year 6.  The children have tried their very best and we are so proud of how they have behaved and focused during the last four days. It hasn’t all been easy and many questions challenged the children. 

Some of our children have attended twice weekly booster sessions to give them the confidence to answer questions and develop their answering skills, we know it isn’t always great to stay behind at school until 4pm, but they did it. 

After the final test this morning we treated the children to a cookie baking session, hopefully they have returned home with their cookies for their families to try. This afternoon we made 3d shapes from a 2D shapes before enjoying lollies and lots of snacks from the week. 

Well done Year 6, you’ve tried your hardest and that is all we ask from you. 

Back to normal tomorrow, remember to go to your own classroom. 

Cricket Day

Our class took part in a cricket engagement day. We got to take part in a game of cricket playing with an oversized ball to help practise our batting skills. One half of the class got to practise their fielding skills. It was a lot of fun!

KS2 Dodgeball at UEA SportsPark

Children from both 5/6 classes attended the KS2 dodgeball competition at the UEA SportsPark. The children played incredibly well and showed excellent sportsmanship throughout the event. The children won several games and managed to finish 6th overall.

Remembrance Service 2023

It was proud day for All Saints as the whole school held their Remembrance Service in All Saints Church, Stibbard and then at The War Memorial. Year 5 and 6 led the service with Noah taking the lead. We had poems and prayers as well as a song. We were very grateful to Rev Sally who officiated. 

At the War Memorial we heard the Roll of Honour and held a two minute silence as we remembered those who had fought and died in the war.

Year 5 and 6 spent time at the War grave of John Thompson, he died of his injuries once he had returned from the war. 

We then returned to the church to look at the Remembrance display properly, we were able to read further about the people whose names are on the memorial.  

It was lovely to have so many parents and a few villagers joining us for this occasion. 

All Saints website Poppy Appeal

Year 6 will be in charge of the Poppy Appeal this week, they will be standing by the year 6 classroom at the start of school and during break time.  Can we please suggest a minimum donation of 50p for the snap bands, keyrings, bands and anything else in the box? The poppies can be a donation of your choice. If you have a safety pin at home please attach the poppy to your child. The sticky poppies are not great at sticking!

Please send your child with their donation safely in a named envelope. 

We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the war memorial on Friday at 10.55am.