All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Day 4 Derbyshire Residential

For the last day of activities we went to Matlock to visit the Heights of Abraham. We took the cable cars to the top and enjoyed the stunning views. The mining caves we walked through were spectacular and the children were amazed to find crystals in the rocks. When we came back down the cable cars we went along the river on Lover’s Walk, navigating the steep ascents.

Each evening we’ve spent time at the park. The photos from today show we’ve had a great time there, playing capture the flag, football and other games. Tonight we played some silly games to celebrate a child’s birthday – some of which humiliated the staff!

We’ve had such a great time! The children have loved every minute, made new friends and overcome fears. We have really enjoyed spending time with your wonderful children.

We are on the road now and will inform you of our ETA soon.

Year 6 23.6.22

Wow!! We have been jet propelled today, sewing mustard and cress seeds, making grass heads to grow in our beautiful jars, topped off by cooking yummy fork biscuits. Well guys, you rock!

Day 3 Derbyshire Residential

Today we visited the incredible, very grand Chatsworth House. It was an amazing experience walking through the house, learning about the history and the old and contemporary artwork. The photos really speak for themselves. We also enjoyed the farmyard, playground and paddling on the cascade on the grounds. Final day of activities tomorrow!

Year 6 Derbyshire Day 2

We’ve certainly had an action-packed day today! Rock climbing, abseiling and caving were our main activities. Photo opportunities were limited today but we’ve taken a few. Many children faced their fears and gave things a go, which is fantastic. They were all so pleased with themselves and what they achieved today. From the tight squeezes in the caves, to the jaw-dropping heights of the rock faces we climbed and abseiled, the children need a big pat on the back (and some of the adults do too!). To top it all off, we cooled off in the town’s outdoor swimming pool in the evening.

We want to mention as well that we are so impressed with the way the children from both schools have mixed and mingled with each other. One child was overheard saying, “I’m loving this. I’ve made so many new friends.”

Year 6 at School

We have designed and painted some really stunning glass art today. These beauties will form part of a larger craft project that we will be completing later on in the week.

Year 6 Derbyshire Day 1

After an uneventful journey, stopping at Sherwood visitor centre on the way, the children have settled into their rooms and are awaiting their tea. All seem happy. The shrieks of wonder at seeing the hills was wonderful – you can tell they come from Norfolk! Walking along the River Derwent after tea to enjoy the views and get some exercise. 

After settling in and having dinner we thoroughly enjoyed our gorgeous river walk, seeing picturesque sights in the evening sunlight and hopping along the stepping stones. Roll on tomorrow’s activities!

Y6 School Superstars

Oh my word, what a busy day we’ve had! Cooking, making boxes and being adventurer’s, the children have been great!

Y6 Descriptive Narratives

Y6 watched the short animated film ‘Ian’, based on a true story of a boy with cerebral palsy having difficulties accessing the park. The film explores how the boy feels broken when he is laughed at, stared at and whispered about. The film maker powerfully shows this as the boy’s body disintegrating and being forced back into his wheelchair placed outside the perimeter fence. We talked about the imagery and the metaphors with his wheelchair as a cage or a prison and the fence as a barrier keeping him apart from the able-bodied children. The class wrote a descriptive narrative showing much sensitivity and empathy. I was very impressed.