All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 6 Globalisation

Year 6 have learned about globalisation this half term in Geography: what it means, what helped to spur it on and its effects. The children have shown interest by their questions and contributions. Here are a few of their double page spreads they completed this week to showcase their learning.

Year Six Science Investigation

Year Six were busy in science today, measuring, recording and presenting data in graphs. Some were trying to find out if there is a relationship between someone’s height and their arm length. Others were finding out if there is a relationship between someone’s height and their head circumference. They used the results to form conclusions and say if there is a relationship or not. What do you think they found out?

Year 6 Dancing Daffodils

Year 6 used watercolours to paint daffodils today on a day when the weather was so changeable with  snow showers followed by beautiful sunshine! They did well producing a real variety of watercolours paintings. Well done Year 6!

Year 6 Budding Chefs

This half term Year 6 have made Iraqi Flatbread called Sumoon. They have made the dough, left it to prove and grow bigger, kneaded it and then shaped it  before cooking it. Their designs were different so some chose olives, others chose dates but the overwhelming favourite was drizzling the bread with honey before eating it. Those not cooking were in class researching different flours and learning about the role gluten plays in the flour. Others researched farming in Iraq and the effects that the recent Iraqi war has had on farming. The last group researched what is eaten with Samoon bread and the other types of food eaten in Iraq. 

Year 6 Islamic Art

Year 6 learned about Islamic art this week and the reason why geometric patterns are used. They used a compass to create their own geometric pattern. 

Year 6 Hooked on Books

Year 6 brought a favourite book to school and copied the front cover. As they drew and coloured, the class listened to Kick by Mitch Johnson as we have got to the really exciting part in the story. Every so often I would hear a ‘really’ or a ‘no way’ or else the muttering of a prediction as to what was going to happen next. Wonderful to have an extended time of story reading!

Year 6 Aerodynamics

Year 6 are watching the short animated film Paperman about an ordinary man whose boring day is turned upside down by an encounter with a lady at the station. He thinks he has missed his opportunity but then, later that day, he spies her through the window in the building opposite. To grab her attention he fires paper aeroplanes,  aiming them in through her window. To immerse themselves in the plot,  Year 6 made their own paper plane and tried aiming it through a hoop. It wasn’t easy.  Only one succeeded!