All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 6 Seated Volleyball

Year 6 had fun today in PE playing seated volleyball. It was noticeable that their serving improved as the lesson progressed. They were pretty red faced by the end!

RSPCA Visit to Year Six

Leanne gave a very engaging talk about the role the RSPCA plays in helping animals: pets, wildlife and farm animals. She followed this with showing different pieces of litter- plastic bottles, tin cans and burst balloons – and how they can cause damage to wildlife. The children listened really well and asked some good questions. It has set us up well for our learning on plastic pollution after Christmas. Thank you to Mr Whitney for organising this. 

Stand and Deliver!

To link our History and English, Year 6 have been exploring the crime of highway robbery in Early Modern history. We explored its causes: horses becoming affordable, unguarded roads and a lack of banks leading the wealthy to cart their riches around with them. We researched the notorious Dick Turpin and his female counterpart Moll Cutpurse. We read the famous  poem ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes, a romantic ballad about a Highwayman and his doomed love for Bess, the landlord’s black- eyed daughter.  Year 6 wrote their own poems inspired by this wonderful poem with its rich evocative language. 

Year 6 Static Balances

Year 6 practised the skill of static balances in Real PE, first on the floor progressing to balances on the bench. Not as easy as it looks!

Year Six Play Jazz!

Year Six have been learning about jazz, in our music lessons, this half term. We have listened to several pieces and learned to play a tune called Bacharach Anorak. It is a jazz composition by Ian Grey in the style of music played and composed by the famous jazz musician, Burt Bacharach.

The children have learned to play the different sections and have spent time improvising in order to compose their own section too. The children have been really supportive towards each other during their learning. Well done Year Six.

Y6 Phone Socks

Year 6 have produced some fabulous phone socks in Design Technology.

Children in Need – Dance off

Years 4, 5 and 6 had fun dancing to some Just Dance videos and some entered the Dance Off competition. The judges found it tough. They choose 5 for each class and it was a close contest. The runners – up earned 9 housepoints and the winners ate a gingerbread biscuit.
Thanks goes to Mrs Pannell for providing the prizes and for the money you donated to Children in Need.

Y6 Going the Extra Mile

I was really impressed that three children were so inspired by our work on Remembrance, that they took the initiative to write  poems at home, in their own time. Overlook the crumpled look of the paper but top marks to these three who extended their learning. 

Y6 Flashback Narratives

Year 6 watched the animated film The Piano and used it as a stimulus for writing flashback narratives. They worked really hard at making their writing cohesive, using adverbials of time to link paragraphs and signposting a memory by indicating it is about to happen in the last sentence of the previous paragraph. They wrote their narratives, edited them and wrote them up on the chrome books. They did a good job. Well done Year 6! 

Making Phone Socks

Year 6 designed their phone socks and are now in the process of making them. They have begun cutting out their shapes and sewing them together.