All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Real PE Throw Tennis

The children are enjoying playing throw tennis and they are learning to get to the bench in the same way that tennis players try to quickly get to the net.

Year 6 Animal Printing

Year 6 have been busy looking closely at the skin markings and patterns of animals in the Galápagos Islands. They drew thumbnail sketches in their sketchbooks and used bubble wrap and rollers with paint to make different prints. This is all building towards their final mixed media composition of an animal. 

Y6 Leavers Service

The sun shone on our Leavers Service yesterday as Year 6 shared their memories, poems and sang for a final time at Stibbard. It was lovely to see so many parents and we said goodbye to a number of families who have been associated with the school for many years. We do wish our children all the best as they continue their adventure to High School and to those families whose last child has left, we say fond farewells and thank you for your support over the years. Have a lovely Summer and God bless you all.

Y6 Alphabet Poem

Year 6 performance of The Alphabet Poem. 

This is to wet your appetite for tomorrow at 2pm when Year 6 will be sharing their memories and singing at their Leavers Service, held outside in the outdoor classroom. We warmly welcome Year 6 parents to come and join us. It looks to be warm so do bring a hat and a water bottle.

Year 6 Moving On Poems

Year 6 have written some poems about moving on to High School. Here are a selection of them.

Y6 Friday Fun with Water

Year 6 had fun this morning getting wet in water games including throw the sponge and pour and pass the water along the line to see which team could collect the most water at the end. After games, we had a water fight. Mrs Beardon felt empowered with the hose but still got wet! Back inside for hot chocolate with cream and chocolate sprinkles followed by a picnic lunch. Lots of fun, laughter and memory making!

Year 6 The Alchemist’s Letter

After writing their memories of their time at Primary School, we watched a short film called ‘The Alchemist’s Letter’ about an alchemist who invented a machine to make gold fuelled by his memories. In his obsessive quest to make gold, the alchemist abandoned his family and learned a sober lesson in the process. The children enjoyed the story and made links to Harry Potter who used memories in the pensieve and to ‘The Nowhere Emporium’  which we read earlier this term. Year 6 wrote a recount of the story. Here are a selection of them. They all worked really well and used wide vocabulary in detailed and descriptive sentences. Well done Year 6! I’m proud of you.