All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Friday at Kingswood

We are now all safely home. Our last day comprised of two activities before we had lunch. One of the activities was Bushcraft – Lighting a fire. The children showed great patience using a flint to light their fires. We also had groups abseiling as well as some experiencing the night line activity where the children had to lead each other around an obstacle course! There was a lot of trust , as well as a lot of giggles.

Well done to all the children, many of them learnt new skills from making their beds with a duvet cover to overcoming their fear of heights. A lot of compassion was shown as we saw children helping each other and perseverance as they strove to succeed. Many of the Kingswood Staff commented on the good manners shown by many children, this always make us proud.

Thursday at Kingswood

We have had a full on day with so many activities. The children have enjoyed building a shelter, puzzle games, abseiling, night line and a huge camp fire this evening.

They have worked well together, encouraged one another and many have really impressed us with their determination to overcome fears.

There will be more photos but for now here is a taster of what has been achieved.

Kingswood Residential year 5/6 children

We have arrived and already completed our first activities. All the children are happy and a little wet due to the continuous rain!

Despite the weather we have been very active outside. The children have enjoyed either experiencing the climbing wall, aero ball or taking part in problem solving activities.

We had a lovely dinner this evening before completing a scrap challenge of designing costumes for a catwalk. The children worked in teams, we were really impressed with so many groups who accepted the challenge and created beyond expectations.

Year 6 Electrical Games

The class put their science knowledge to the test when designing and making an electric game. First they did some market research amongst the infant classes to inform their design. They then used isometric paper to design a 3D plan of their game. After that they made a net out of paper as a prototype to check their measurements. Then they made a net out of card, strengthening it with corrugated card before decorating the box. Next came the tricky part: making the circuit so the light lit up or the buzzer buzzed. Much perseverance was needed. Successful products were then evaluated and tested on the infants who seemed to thoroughly enjoy the games.

Year 6 Pencil Drawing

What better object to draw that your trainer or water bottle! 

Year 6 Book Reviews

Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed the fantasy book The Nowhere Emporium by Ross MacKenzie.

Plot twists, a magical world, time travel, betrayal and intrigue – year 6 were hooked! In fact a couple of children have begun to read the sequel. Fantastic outcome. 

Year 6 Take a Seat

Year 6 have been looking at the history of chairs and how their style has changed over the centuries. We looked at the work of British Nigerian designer Yinki Ilori and how his heritage informs his design both in terms of colour and pattern choice. He talks of chairs having a narrative – telling a story. In the light of this we looked at Van Gogh’s famous painting of his chair and the sad story surrounding it. The children then designed and made their own chairs. 

Year 6 Cricket

Charlie from Fakenham Cricket Club came to teach cricket skills today. It was a glorious afternoon and we had a number of good, strong hits and a few catches too. Thanks to Charlie for giving the children a taste of cricket.

Year 6 Sketch Maps

Year 6 used Google maps to help them draw a sketch map of their local area. They learned that they needed a frame, a title, directions and a key.