All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 6 ‘This is Me’ Challenge

Zeus, together with his mum, responded to the This Is Me Challenge and wrote a poem. Mum wrote ‘It really opened up lots of conversations about the things that happened when Zeus was a baby and how that relates to him now. He wanted to insert a picture of himself too’. I have permission to share it as Zeus hopes it might help others to better understand him.

Stories Inspired by the book The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad

We have finished reading our book this week and Year 6 have written book reviews and stories inspired by this story set in the Islamic Golden Age. Here are a selection of their stories. I am very impressed with the way they have reflected their learning about Baghdad in History into their stories. Well done Year 6 – a tremendous effort!

Year 6 Book Reviews

Year 6 have just finished reading The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad. They have written super book reviews to practice their summarising and persuasive writing skills. Here are a few of them.