All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 6 Online Learning

Year 6 are working really well online. Mrs Beardon is really impressed by how well the children have followed instructions and adapted to the new way of working.


In English we have been reading the book The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad by Saviour Pirotta set in the Golden Age of Islam in 900 CE. The class have been immersed in this time period studying it in our History lessons and finding out about what it means to be a Muslim and how Muslims express their faith.

Autumn term in Year 6 comes to an end

What a busy term we have had! Plenty of learning, adjusting to being back into school after a 5 month break and two sets of SATS practice.

As a Federation, this term, we have introduced a new approach to teaching English involving much shared and modelled writing and gathering of choice vocabulary. Year 6 report that they enjoy this new approach as they feel they have greater support to write. Certainly the exposure to deeper vocabulary is reflected in their writing.

This term some have faced personal challenges returning to school and it has not been an easy ride for some. Yet they have coped admirably and their friendship, their kindness and cooperation as a class has been very evident. I am very proud of them.

Over the holidays, please do encourage your child to keep reading, to play spelling games on EdShed and to practice their times tables on ttrockstars.

Their presentations were all their own work. I think you will agree that they have learned much this term.

I do wish you all a restful and healthy Christmas.

Year 6 Remote Learning

In the event of another lockdown and children need to stay at home, below is an outline of 2 weeks planning for Year 6  to complete remotely. Packs have been sent home with children, including further information for the activities where needed. Where written work is produced this is to be in the exercise books provided. It will be expected that children complete Maths and English lessons daily plus a foundation subject, totalling around 3 hours work time every day. The foundation subject lessons can be done on any day. 

Should your child be in isolation and their class bubble still be attending school, work will be posted on the school website on the class page and on Google classroom.


Y6 – If you Go Down to The Woods Today…

Year 6 were inspired by Andy Goldsworthy, a land artist whose art outdoors in nature is temporary but captured on camera for the world to see. We ventured into the outdoor area and the children worked cooperatively to forage for natural objects to make their piece of art. They had lots of fun.