All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Horstead Day 2 Evening Walk

It was a beautiful evening to go for a walk round the local  area and learn about landmarks and how to whistle using a blade of grass.

We have tired them out. They should sleep well tonight!

Horstead Residential Day 2

The sun eventually came out on a jam-packed day of activities.

Nightline involved the children being blindfolded and completing an obstacle course. Most children did the whole course without peeping. 

Canoeing on the river was a hit! Their  skills varied from confident to those who needed rescuing from the bank.

Bushcraft saw them finding water, filtering it, making fire and then a shelter to withstand Storm Aaron! 

The children showed much cooperation and worked well in their teams.

Horstead Residential Day 1

The children have all settled really well and are enjoying an afternoon of team challenges which requires them to cooperate well with good communication. 

Year 6 Shadow Puppets

We were so proud of the way our Year 6’s approached their SATs this week with maturity and resilience. Well done! Afterwards they spent some time making shadow puppets using Lotte Reiniger’ animations as a stimulus. They enjoyed making their own videos.

Science investigations in Year Six

Year Six were amazing scientists again this afternoon. They investigated the angle light is reflected from a mirror. They used protractors to measure the angles and were very quick to spot a pattern in their results. Some pairs used engineering to improve their torches, helping them to take even more precise measurements. We had to work in the dark so that we could see the torch beams- but we didn’t mind closing the blinds on such a wet and rainy afternoon. Fabulous science. Well done Year Six.

Welly Day in Year 6

On Thursday Mrs Cairns was delighted to be able to take the Year 6’s into the woods for a one off Welly Day session. The children were a joy to be with and demonstrated excellent collaborative skills and creativity.

New Gallery Opening Soon – artists needed!

Our school is excited to be opening a new gallery in the entrance hall and is looking for work from up and coming artists!

The new gallery will be showing work chosen, or created, by the children in our school.

The only catch is that the gallery is very very small – in fact it is in a dolls house!

Mrs Cairns has provided some templates for children to use, but can also use her special magic to shrink any work down to the right size if necessary.

Children can exhibit any type of art that they wish.  There is space for sculpture as well as 2D creations.

Year 6 Dancing Daffodils

Year 6 spent a lovely morning yesterday painting watercolour daffodils whilst listening to Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony. The atmosphere was calm and peaceful as the children concentrated on their creations.  I am really impressed with their results.

Year 6 Write in the First Person

We’ve just finished reading Clockwork by Philip Pullman, a dark tale where clockwork characters from a story invade real life. The children were asked to write as if they were either the optimistic storyteller – Fritz – or the pessimistic, gloomy clockmaker’s apprentice – Karl. Two of my more reluctant writers wrote wonderful stories. I was really proud of them.

Year 6 Double Page Spreads

Year 6 created their double page spread to conclude our history unit for the Spring Term. Discussing with them, they reported enjoying creating a page to display all that they had learned.