All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 6 Collaborative and Active Learning

At the end of a lesson, I will often get Year 6 into teams where they have to take it in turns to write something they have learned in that lesson on a piece of paper. They are beating the clock too as they have a set amount of time to complete the task. The children can collaborate in their teams.

Year 6 Polluting Plastic

In English the children are learning to write persuasively on the subject of plastic pollution in our oceans. They experimented with metaphor and alliteration using emotive language to describe how plastic seeps into our oceans causing carnage. These are their rough drafts. The children read their work out to the class, presenting it with expression and passion.

Year 6 Coding using Scratch

In computing this term the children are using Scratch to practise coding. They created the coding for a game called ping pong, where an object scores a point whenever it hits a moving ball. Some children took the challenge on to a new level by creating the codes for a two player game or having more than one moving object to try to hit.

Year 6 Bright Colour, Bold Words

Year 6 watched a video about London artist Morag Myerscough who uses bright colour and graphics in her design work. The class thought up words or phrases and designed their finished product in their sketch book. 

Year 6 Sketchbooks and Colour

Year 6 made some simple rubber band sketchbooks and explored colour to kickstart our Art unit on Brave Colour. We discussed the emotions and things we associate with certain colours and then the children got creative with mixed media, felt tips and pastels.

Year 6 First Day Back – Art Attack!

Year 6 spent their first morning back to school making dioramas or posters based on our school parable about two builders who built their house on rock and on sand. When the storms came the house on the rock stayed firm but the one on the sand collapsed. Year 6 worked on the dioramas and their finished pieces are excellent.

Icy Fun

After our delicious Christmas meal the whole school went on to the field to enjoy the ice. Mrs Cairns bought an iPad out so that the children could take pictures of the beautiful sights. The children took some wonderful pictures.

Year 6 Crime and Punishment

This term Year 6 have been learning about the gruesome topic of crime and punishment through the centuries. Trial by ordeal, innocent til proven guilty,  smuggling, poaching, highwaymen, sanctuary, treason, heresy…..just a few of the many new words or concepts that we have discussed. The children presented their learning as a double page spread.