All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 6 River Crossing

In PE Year 6 have been practising their cooperation, balancing and problem solving skills in our River Crossing game. We varied the rules for crossing the river with holding hands, carrying a tray in your hand and blindfolding a couple of team members. The aim is to cross the river without putting a foot in the water or dropping hands. 

Year 6 Explore Beliefs on Eternity

Year 6 explored different beliefs about eternity. At the end of the unit, they completed a double page spread to showcase their learning. I was very impressed with their questions and interest. Well done Year 6!

Year 6 Get Sewing

Year 6 have begun their Design Technology unit to design and make a phone sock. This week they have been practising threading a needle, tying a secure knot and stitches such as running stitch and over stitch. We did have a few tangles but they persevered with the practice. Well done Year 6!

Year 6 The Highwayman

We have been exploring the classic poem The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. The children wrote newspaper reports based on the poem. They worked hard and produced some wonderful articles.

Year 6 2D Drawings to 3D Sculptures

Year 6 have learned to scale up 2D drawings using a grid. First they drew their character on a piece of black paper. Next they stuck their character on a piece of paper and then drew a 5cm grid on it.  They looked at the negative space and the lines in their small grid and transferred the shape on to big pieces of cardboard with a 20cm grid drawn on it.  They then used mixed media to make their chosen characters from Cogheart. Below are different versions of Malkin, the clockwork mechanimal fox.

Year 6 Book Reviews

Year 6 have written book reviews on Cogheart by Peter Bunzl. 

I think that a number of the children are keen to read the sequels!

Year 6 Non Chronological Reports

We have just completing reading Cogheart by Peter Bunzl. An adventure story set in a futuristic yet Victorian world with wound up mechanicals, zeppelins and silver-eyed villains. The class have really enjoyed it and written some super reports on their own mechanicals. 

Year 6 Gym

Today a trainer from Real PE came to our lesson to teach us gym shapes and movements using hand apparatus. The children worked so well together and the trainer commented on the creative movements that the children used in the warm up. Well done Year 6!