All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 6 Evaluate their Electronic Toys

Year 6 let Year 1 and 2 children try out the electronic toys they had made in Design Technology.

Alfie in Year 2 said “It’s good. I liked the noise when it went off.”

Sonny in Year 2 said “ I loved it, it was so interesting.”

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

It was lovely to see so many Year 6 parents today at our Leavers Assembly. The children read out their memories and poems really well in spite of the heatwave. Many thanks to those parents/ grandparents who provided cakes for our refreshment.

Year 6 Making Sets

This afternoon Year 6 designed and made sets for a dramatic sentence. They did really well considering how hot it was! Well done Year 6.

Water games Year 6

Year Six Maths Challenge

Year Six have been working on data handling, using smarties, this week. They have had to collect specific data, present their work carefully and answer questions about the data they have collected (for example, finding the mean, median, mode and range). They have been challenged further by having to compare their data with data from other groups and by using the combined data to create pie charts. The children have had to work together to share information and to support each other when the going gets tough. They have all worked hard and should be proud of everything they have achieved so far. Of course, the biggest achievement of all is not eating the smarties before the data handling is complete! Well done Year Six.

Year 6 The Alchemist’s Letter

Year 6 watched the short animated film about Verideon who returns to his childhood home where he discovers a letter for him written by his late father, an alchemist. Some good discussion was had about his father’s obsession clouding his judgement and destroying his relationship with his family. The film enabled Year 6 to write the story exploring changes in tense, shifts in formality and writing descriptive narrative using the senses. Here are three of the best ones.

Year 6 Sports Day

The weather was kind to us at Sports Day last Wednesday: not too hot but fine and dry. Year 6 thundered past in the races and worked cooperatively in their House teams for the round robin activities. In the morning, the Play Leaders were particularly helpful with Key Stage 1, encouraging the youngest children and being kind and patient. Well done Year 6. We are proud of you.

Geographical Field Sketches Y6

Following on from the sketch map skills that we learned about last lesson, the Year Six class have now mastered the geographical art of ‘field sketches’. These are really useful when you are out and about collecting geographical information. You just need to draw the physical environment, so you don’t need to add people or animals.

We learned the acronym OASIS

O – orientation (which direction our sketch is facing)

A – annotation – adding detailed labels to make our sketches clear

S – scale – if possible give measurements

I – information – what is the name of the location

S – sketch (draw what you see)

The children produced super field sketches and made sure they included all of the vital information. Well done Year Six!

Year 6 at School

Over the course of the week we have been building colourful window art. We are so pleased with the results.

We could not believe that our mustard and cress seeds began to shoot after only one day!
Of course we had to celebrate our last day together with a great film and …….
Ice cream!