All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Panto time…. oh yes it was!

We were so lucky to secure the M&M theatre company to perform their pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk. We had a fabulous afternoon with all the children and staff joining in with all the traditions of a pantomime, cheering, clapping, booing the baddy. We are so grateful to our fabulous friends committee who funded this experience, we loved it and it brought a smile to everyone’s faces. Thank you!

Message from the Friends

‘Just a reminder to send back sports day (23rd May) BBQ orders by Monday.
If sports day is rained off, could you please send your child in with a lunch or organise a sports themed packed lunch (as advertised) with the office. All orders for the BBQ will be carried over to our contingency sports day on Friday.’
The Friends.

Dress Down Day Friday 3rd May

Dear Parents and Carers,

The ‘Friends’ committee are holding a dress down day this Friday 3rd May in exchange for tombola prizes for the summer fair.

Many thanks

'Friends' Dress Down Friday 25th Jan

Do you have any gifts from Christmas which you don’t need?

Well it’s dress down day at school in exchange for a Bingo prize. Just bring along an item to school on Friday 25th January and we will collect them.

Thank you in advance from the Friends Committee