All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 Class Page!

Year 1 learn together in a play based environment that provides the perfect stepping stone from Reception. We have a lovely classroom that is well resourced and offers a safe, exciting and inspiring learning environment. Our classroom is arranged to encourage the children to access resources, working walls and sound mats independently to scaffold and support their own learning. The children learn in a supportive but challenging environment enabling them to work both collaboratively and independently. We encourage Year 1 to learn from their mistakes and develop the skills to persevere even when finding a topic challenging. In Year 1 we encourage the children to use the skills and knowledge acquired from teaching inputs and apply these independently to learning tasks to begin to take responsibility for their own learning.

We love reading and read every chance we get; the classroom reflects this with a variety of books linked to each term’s topic. We are creative thinkers, confident speakers, compassionate friends and imaginative problem solvers!

Please find the attached letters and curriculum map to find out what we are learning about at the moment.

To find out more about Year 1 Class and what we have been getting up to please take a look below:

Miss Flower, Mrs Hobbs, Mrs Lockwood

Project Work 1

March 23, 2020

Spring and Weather project Please find attached a science booklet to encourage observations of seasonal changes as we move into spring.  Please choose a plant or tree that specifically changes during this time of year. It could be a plant that can be seen from a window at home, that is growing in your garden, … Read more

Useful Websites

March 23, 2020

Hello, Please find a list of useful websites to support your home learning. The children have used Phonics Bloom a lot within class and is a favourite of theirs. Also, during this period Phonics Play has given users free access to resources and games. Thanks Mrs Powley Useful Websites

Year 1 Remote Learning Timetable 1

March 23, 2020

Hello, I hope you are well and keeping safe. To help support your home learning I have created a timetable that you could use as a guide. Please keep an eye on the website as I will regularly upload new activities and resources. Take Care Mrs Powley Remote-Learning-Timetable 1

Holocaust Memorial Day

January 28, 2020

On Monday the KS2 children had a special assembly to understand Holocaust Memorial Day. They were amazing, they listened well and some children gave very thoughtful and factual contributions. We talked about the word DISCRIMINATION and how no one should ever experience this in their lives because of their race, religion or beliefs. The whole … Read more

Christmas Jumpers and Carols

December 17, 2019

Just to clarify. Tomorrow children can wear their Christmas jumpers with their school uniform. i.e replace school jumper for a Christmas jumper. We are looking forward to seeing you at our Christmas Carols around the tree at 1.30pm. Many thanks. Mrs B.

Green Team Success

November 21, 2019

The Green Team have heard back from ESPO, the company who supplies schools and other organisations with glue sticks. Apparently they can be recycled as long as they are clean. The children have written to NNDC to ask if they put the clean glue sticks in the school’s green bin, that they will be recycled … Read more

Green Team message – Toothpaste reminder

November 21, 2019

Good morning, please parents can you remind your children after they have used up their toothpaste tubes and brushes, as well as the brush heads from the electric toothbrushes, to please bring them into school so we can recycle them to raise money for our local church. Many Thanks Green Team.

Remembrance Day 11 Nov

November 8, 2019

The school will take part in the Act of Remembrance on Monday at Stibbard Parish War Memorial. Whatever the weather. If you would like to join us, please meet us there at 10.50. Some of the children have asked if they can wear medals belonging to a family member who has served in the Armed … Read more

Message from Green Team

November 7, 2019

Dear Parents and Carers, We are going to send home a ‘Recycle with Michael’ bag. If you, a friend or family member are having a clear out of old clothes, please fill the bag and return it to school. It will help us raise some money for our school and stop items going into landfill. … Read more

Aldi vouchers

October 28, 2019

Please keep bringing in your Kit For Schools vouchers. As you can see from the photo below we’ve nearly completed one rather large poster and Year 6 have incorporated this into their fractions lesson today.