All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 Class Page!

Year 1 learn together in a play based environment that provides the perfect stepping stone from Reception. We have a lovely classroom that is well resourced and offers a safe, exciting and inspiring learning environment. Our classroom is arranged to encourage the children to access resources, working walls and sound mats independently to scaffold and support their own learning. The children learn in a supportive but challenging environment enabling them to work both collaboratively and independently. We encourage Year 1 to learn from their mistakes and develop the skills to persevere even when finding a topic challenging. In Year 1 we encourage the children to use the skills and knowledge acquired from teaching inputs and apply these independently to learning tasks to begin to take responsibility for their own learning.

We love reading and read every chance we get; the classroom reflects this with a variety of books linked to each term’s topic. We are creative thinkers, confident speakers, compassionate friends and imaginative problem solvers!

Please find the attached letters and curriculum map to find out what we are learning about at the moment.

To find out more about Year 1 Class and what we have been getting up to please take a look below:

Miss Flower, Mrs Hobbs, Mrs Lockwood

NSPCC Assembly and Activity

March 17, 2023

Recently we worked in our Key Stages to learn what the NSPCC do and how we can talk to trusted adults in our lives to help us ‘Speak Out’ when we need to. We then explored the NSPCC website, and KS1 thought of their ‘happy places’ and KS2 made fortune tellers containing information about the … Read more

Learning in Year 1 during World Book Day

March 3, 2023

Walking into Year 1 on Thursday you may have thought that you had stepped inside a story book. The children looked amazing and we all had fun talking about the different characters. In Maths the class has been learning how to measure mass using non standard units. They know that it is important to look … Read more

World Book Day Assembly

March 2, 2023

Year 6 led a World Book Day assembly as they shared their thoughts on reading. They talked about their favourite genres, that they borrow books from the public library or they buy books online and how they read to escape into different worlds and to ‘grow their mind’. Having lwritten their persuasive speeches last week, … Read more

Year 1 become art teachers for the day!

February 24, 2023

During our Art lesson yesterday, the Year 1 children were told by Mrs Cairns that they were going to be exploring watercolours and become the art teachers. The children were each given a watercolour set, a beautiful brush, their sketchbook and some water. They were challenged to discover the different ways that the paints could … Read more

Year 1 mathematical investigating

February 24, 2023

Yesterday the Year 1 children started their learning about measurement by conducting some investigations.  They worked in teams to think of light items and heavy items before ordering them.  This involved lots of mathematical discussion!  The children then used the balance scales to compare the weight of two items.

Year 1 Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletter

February 23, 2023

Art Exhibition

February 10, 2023

Year 2 ended their Sculpture unit by holding an Art Exhibition. The children had worked hard exploring architecture this half term and then created their own buildings thinking carefully about the purpose and design of the building. They did a marvellous job at speaking about their designs using appropriate vocabulary and the visiting classes asked … Read more

Year 1 Explore the School Vision

January 19, 2023

On the first day of the Spring term we enjoyed a day off timetable.  The children were tasked with understanding more about the school values and the school vision. Miss Flower discovered that Year 1 could already name all six school values and we had a fantastic discussion about how we could show each value … Read more

Looking back at Festive Fun in Year 1

January 19, 2023

It’s hard to believe now that Christmas was less than a month ago, what with the Spring term in full swing. However these photos are full of so much joy they need sharing. During the festive period we very visited by 2 cheeky Elves, Tinsel and Twinkle.  We loved searching for them each morning and … Read more

Maths and Art in Year 1

January 12, 2023

Year 1 have been demonstrating their creative and practical minds today.  During Maths they started to investigate how big the Big Bad Wolf actually was through measuring him with different objects.  They had to look carefully to check that he was being measured from the bottom of his feet (paws) to the very top of … Read more