All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 Class Page!

Year 1 learn together in a play based environment that provides the perfect stepping stone from Reception. We have a lovely classroom that is well resourced and offers a safe, exciting and inspiring learning environment. Our classroom is arranged to encourage the children to access resources, working walls and sound mats independently to scaffold and support their own learning. The children learn in a supportive but challenging environment enabling them to work both collaboratively and independently. We encourage Year 1 to learn from their mistakes and develop the skills to persevere even when finding a topic challenging. In Year 1 we encourage the children to use the skills and knowledge acquired from teaching inputs and apply these independently to learning tasks to begin to take responsibility for their own learning.

We love reading and read every chance we get; the classroom reflects this with a variety of books linked to each term’s topic. We are creative thinkers, confident speakers, compassionate friends and imaginative problem solvers!

Please find the attached letters and curriculum map to find out what we are learning about at the moment.

To find out more about Year 1 Class and what we have been getting up to please take a look below:

Miss Flower, Mrs Hobbs, Mrs Lockwood

Year 1 Celebration Performance

July 2, 2022

Zoom Zoom Zoom, Year 1 are off to the moon!

June 17, 2022

Special thanks the Mr Abrahams who allowed us the opportunity to make and fly some rockets! Everyone had lots of fun in the sun.

Learning About Algorithms

June 7, 2022

We’ve begun this half terms computing topic by playing lots of instruction based games. One game required the children to sit back to back. One person drew a picture then they had to give instructions to the other so they could draw the same picture. Enjoy this wholesome video of Ava and Maddie realising that … Read more

Jubilee Day

May 27, 2022

Stibbard went red, white and blue today to celebrate our Queen’s Platinum  Jubilee. Seventy years of reigning as our monarch. We paraded in our costumes in our Friday Celebration Assembly and sang The National Anthem. It was lovely to have the whole school together singing again!

A week in the life of Year 1

May 26, 2022

This week we have been looking at programming in computing, division in maths, researching space in English and creating art work inspired by Henri Matisse.

Year 1 – Science and testing materials

May 15, 2022

This week we tested materials against water.We used the rainy weather to see if our umbrellas would keep Pluto dry. Everyone worked scientifically by making a prediction and evaluating their test.

Who knew Year 1 were so smooth(ie)

May 8, 2022

This week Year 1 made smoothies following on from our DT learning. We discussed healthy eating and cooking safely. The children tried their smoothies on a hot Friday afternoon.

Marvellous Matisse with Year 1

May 6, 2022

Year 1 and Mrs Cairns have been learning about Matisse. Today we discovered that he drew with scissors and that his pictures were enormous! So we made some giant pictures of our own! (Or did we!!!)

Year 1 – Design and Technology

May 3, 2022

Last week, Year 1 were learning about chassis in their Design and Technology lesson. With links to our topic this half term we had a go at making our own moon buggy!

Year 1 Summer 1 Curriculum Map

April 29, 2022